INFORMATION ON AIR EMISSIONS (GHG and air pollutants) 9/14/2018 INFORMATION ON AIR EMISSIONS (GHG and air pollutants) SEIS Country Visit Workshop - Slovenia 2 June 2009, Ljubljana Melanija Lešnjak (Head of Air Quality Section)
Our mission Environment and Nature Convervation Office – 9/14/2018 Our mission Environment and Nature Convervation Office – Air Quality Section (17 employees) We implement legislation in the field of air/GHG emissions We are the competent authority for issuing (environmental and other) permits RTE registry, national emission inventory We collect data, check compliance, report and provide data to the public
Legal framework NATIONAL LEGISLATION EU ACQUIS - GHG monitoring - LCP - GHG emission trading - VOC - ODS & F-gases - IPPC - Fuel quality & biofuels - NEC CONVENTIONS - UNFCCC - POPs Stockholm Convention - CLRTAP - Montreal Protocol NATIONAL LEGISLATION - CO2 tax exemptions - non-IPPC permits - emission monitoring & reporting for stationary sources ...
Regular Reporting To EC and EEA: according to EU legislation 9/14/2018 Regular Reporting To EC and EEA: according to EU legislation For regional/global Conventions Other: OECD, EUROSTAT ... National: national state of the environment report & indicators
Public information on the internet 9/14/2018 Public information on the internet Reports provided to EC, EEA, Conventions (mostly as internet links to CDR) Different information: 1) national emissions of GHG and air pollutants including data interpretation (EIONET indicators etc.) 2) info on issued environmental permits 3) info on VOC installations 4) yearly emissions from stationary emission sources 5) licenses issued for monitoring (emissions/fuel quality/VOC content in paints and varnishes) 6) accounts and transactions in emissions trading registry 7) CO2 tax exemptions 8) allowed uses of ODS and F-gases
Requests for public information 9/14/2018 Requests for public information General public: air emissions in the neighbourhood NGOs: GHG emissions, industrial emissions Jounalists: CO2 tax, (bio)fuels, trafic/industrial emissions Chamber of commerce, R&T institutes .... Students
Our data bases National emissions inventory: 9/14/2018 Our data bases National emissions inventory: Excel spreadsheets – at present Oracle data base – under development REMIS - yearly reports on emissions from stationary sources GHG emission permits VOC-solvent management plans CO2 tax exemptions MS Access data bases Future plans: Oracle data base on emissions from stationary sources & environmental permits
Our views: EU/Conventions Framework 9/14/2018 Our views: EU/Conventions Framework Amount of reporting: 25 reports in 2009 !!! EC’s effort on legislation streamlining (incl. reporting) – too slow Different reporting templates, (too) frequent changes in contents and templates Sophisticated systems are demanding in particular for small MSs Example: ETS - small database, but demanding software and its operation requirements Reporting under Conventions: to be harmonised with EU reporting to the highest possible extent
Our views: Domestic Framework 9/14/2018 Our views: Domestic Framework Lack of IT support at EARS for development and maintenance of solid databases Increasing requests for public information – need for (more) IT support to exctract data from our data bases Frequent changes in domestic legislation
9/14/2018 Our vision Transformation of our present data bases to Oracle and their interconnection, in order to: better support administrative (permiting) procedures, enable better data quality controls & compliance checks enable automated outputs for different reporting templates enable automated outputs for web (public information)