Teaching Large Lecture Courses: Sample Course Challenges as New Instructor Discussion Sections Working with TAs Capitalizing on Technology
Sample Course Introduction to Clinical Psychology 300 students, 2.5 TAs, 10 weekly sections Exams, writing assignments, participation
Challenges as New Instructor Engaging students in lecture Teaching tough material Figuring out local norms Problems/Questions DEO, DGS, DUS, senior colleagues
Discussion Sections Potential Goals Format Change Review lecture material Apply lecture material Discuss lecture material Present new material Format Change Smaller class size More opportunity for discussion, questions, interactive exercises
Discussion Sections Section Materials Miscellaneous Prepare written description of section content and activities Review with TAs, seek feedback b/f and after section Miscellaneous Consider evals third of way through semester https://its.uiowa.edu/sites/its.uiowa.edu/files/wysiwyg_uploads/I CON%20%28powered%20by%20Canvas%29%20Quizzes%20v2.pdf Attend section of each TA
Working with TAs TA Roles and Responsibilities Weekly Meetings Explicit discussion prior to class TAs are authority figures and part of teaching team Hierarchical relationship with prof Problems: go to DEO, DGS, senior colleague Weekly Meetings What going well What problems have arisen Discussion of how to teach, how to deal with problems, how to create materials, how to grade, how to interact with students, etc. Be available to TAs in btw meetings
Working with TAs Writing Assignments Difficulty level Assignment content: clarity exceptionally important Grading criteria: provide detailed, concrete rubric to students ahead of time Grading consistently across TAs Review and modify criteria b/f giving to students Meet with TAs after look at 10 papers to discuss problems Identify who makes final decisions TA morale
Capitalizing on Technology ICON (powered by Canvas) Announcements, readings, lecture slides, grades, dropbox (turnitin) https://its.uiowa.edu/icon - select How To and Support Online Discussions https://its.uiowa.edu/sites/its.uiowa.edu/files/wysiwyg_uploads/I CON%20%28powered%20by%20Canvas%29%20Discussions.pdf Quizzes/Practice https://its.uiowa.edu/sites/its.uiowa.edu/files/wysiwyg_uploads/I CON%20%28powered%20by%20Canvas%29%20Quizzes%20v2.pdf Clickers http://its.uiowa.edu/srs