Kevin Harris, ColumbiaGrid TEPPC\Hydro Modeling Task Force - Chair HMFT Update Kevin Harris, ColumbiaGrid TEPPC\Hydro Modeling Task Force - Chair
Overview Getting Hydro Data Processing modeling coefficients to match 2008 & 09 operation to modeled 2026 loads ColumbiaGrid sponsors GridView enhancements
Getting Hydro Data WECC is working on getting hourly data from the RC, then soliciting permission to make the data publically available for the 2026 CC Solicit data directly from other sources I’ve started this process Please pass on contact info to facilitate this for: Southwest Rocky Mountain
New Hydro Modeling Coeff ColumbiaGrid has offered to process the hourly Hydro generation data to create new modeling Coefficients for PLF, HTC and min generation An example spreadsheet will be available illustrating how the procedure is done It will be the same basic procedure used to develop the coefficients for the core Columbia River A HMTF meeting will be held to get approval of procedure
GridView Modeling Enhancements ColumbiaGrid has sponsored to new features in GridView: Reporting of Dump/Re-scheduled Hydro by unit Controlling what Hydro is dispatched against: Currently Hydro can be dispatched against Load – Wind – Solar, but it’s a global setting It’s being changed to Load - %Wind - %Solar by region Example: PNW can use Load - 0% of Wind - 100% of Solar CA/SW can use Load - 100% of Wind - 100% of Solar