Melanie Halsan, PALS Warner Web, Fire Marshal Fire Marshal Office Melanie Halsan, PALS Warner Web, Fire Marshal
General Information: Fire Marshal reviews development applications: Building Permits, Subdivisions, Event Permits, and More Occupancy Inspections Compliance with: International Fire Code Title 17C – Construction and Infrastructure Regulations
General Information: Reviewing for life safety provisions for building construction and occupancy to insure: Safety of people in the building, and Safety of Responding Fire Fighters should there be an incident.
General Information: Last Update was January 1, 2009 Expedited review fee added for the 2015 budget Fire Marshal is partnering with PALS Best Permitting Agency Efforts to: Ensure fees cover the cost of review, and Provide measured fee increase
Fee Revenue Fee Revenue Revenue Generated from Fee Increases Total Fee Revenue 2015 $0.00 $440,000.00 2016 $50,000 $451,000.00
General Initiatives: Align the fees and language with Other Jurisdictions Simplifying for our Customers Simplifying for the users
What is Proposed Simplified some fees: Fire Alarms – flat fee per device
What is Proposed Biggest Increase (Chapter 17C.6 Table 1): Increased by 4X Increased by 3X Increased by 2.5 X
What is Proposed Biggest Decreases Fire Prevention Inspections 13-D Sprinkler Systems Decreased by 27% Fire Alarm – New Devices Plan Review: Currently a grouped fee of $265- $1,150 (depend on the number of devices) to $7.50 per device Inspections: Currently a grouped fee of $175- $660 (dependent on the number of devices) to $2.50 per device
What does this Look Like Project Type Old fee Pierce New Fee Pierce King County Single Family Home 30 heads $315.00 $352.00 (11% ) $1320.00 10,000 Sq. Ft. Commercial Building 75 heads $511.25 $937.50 (83%) $2065.75 200,000 Sq. Ft. Commercial Building 500 heads $835.00 $3,500.00 (400%) $5180.00 Fire Alarm Residential $200.00 $492.00 Fire Alarm Commercial $990.00 $1050.00 (6%) $1745.00
Topper the Fire Dog