Film Production Student must be the director, screenwriter editor, and camera person Only new pieces of artwork inspired by the theme may be submitted. Categories Animation (may be computer generated) Narrative Documentary (non-fiction) Experimental Media Presentation (prepared on a computer) No PowerPoint 1 (one) student only can be the director, screenwriter, editor, and camera person. Student does not have to be in the movie 2 DVD Submit Student Entry Form and 2 DVDs into a large manila envelope with the District # on the outside along with District number along with should be written on both DVDs 2017 IUCPTA Reflections Spring Workshop
Film Production Video must not exceed 5 minutes in length and 1GB (one gigabyte) in file size. Accepted file formats include: AVI, MOV, MPG, MPEG, MP4, WMV, FLV and F4V. Use of background music must be cited on the student entry form. Label CD/DVD/flash drive with title of artwork, arts category and division. Submit 3 copies of film and student entry and consent form according to your PTA’s instructions. with should be written on both DVDs 2017 IUCPTA Reflections Spring Workshop
Photography Accepted forms of photography include: A single photo, panoramic, photomontage (one seamless print of multiple original photos), a multiple exposure, negative sandwich or photogram. Original black-and-white and color images are accepted. Non-accepted forms of photography include: Entries with added graphics over the image, including lettering, are not accepted. Original film (negatives or transparencies) and multidimensional pieces are not accepted. Student must be the one to take the photograph Not to exceed 11 x 14 including the mat No graphics or lettering over image Student Entry Form attached to the back of the entry in a large manila envelope with the District # on the outside along with District number along with should be marked on the back of the entry. 20167IUCPTA Reflections Spring Workshop
Photography Copyright: Use of copyrighted material, including copyrighted cartoon characters or other such material, is not acceptable in any photography submission, with the following exception: Photographs may include public places, well-known products, trademarks or certain other copyrighted material as long as that copyrighted material is incidental to the subject matter of the piece and/or is a smaller element of a whole. The resulting work cannot try to establish an association between the student and the trademark/business/material, or influence the purchase/non-purchase of the trademarked good. 2017 IUCPTA Reflections Spring Workshop
Photography Only new pieces of artwork inspired by the theme may be submitted. Each entry must be the original work of one student only. Photograph must be taken by the student. Print must not exceed 11x14 inches, including matting. Print must be mounted on sturdy material such as cardboard or poster board. Framed photos are not accepted. Submit photo and student entry and consent form according to your PTA’s instructions. on the artwork 2017 IUCPTA Reflections Spring Workshop
Visual Arts Accepted forms of visual art include: Architecture (2D/3D), carpentry, ceramics, collages, photographic collages (multiple photos cut/pasted), computer-generated image, crafts, design, dioramas, drawing, fiber work, jewelry, kites, metal etching/punch work, mobiles, painting, printmaking, sculpture and wind chimes. Reproductions or enlargements of other artwork are not accepted. Maximum 24 x 30 including the mat Not to exceed 3/8 inch thickness Student Entry Form attached to the back of the entry in a large manila envelope with the District # on the outside along with ca.division.visualarts.lastname.firstname District number along with ca.division.visualarts.lastname.firstname should be marked on the back of the entry. 2016 IUCPTA Reflections Spring Workshop
Visual Arts Copyright: Use of copyrighted material, including any copyrighted cartoon characters or likeness thereof, is not acceptable in any visual arts submission, with the following exceptions: Visual artwork may include public places, well-known products, trademarks or certain other copyrighted material as long as that copyrighted material is incidental to the subject matter of the piece and/or is a smaller element of a whole. The resulting work cannot try to establish an association between the student and the trademark/business/material, or influence the purchase/non-purchase of the trademarked good. Visual arts collages may include portions of existing copyrighted works, such as photographs, magazine clippings, internet images and type cut out of a newspaper, as long as those portions of copyrighted works are used to create a completely new and different work of art. 2017 IUCPTA Reflections Spring Workshop
Visual Arts Only new pieces of artwork inspired by the theme may be submitted. Each entry must be the original work of one student only. 2D artwork (e.g. painting) Dimensions must not exceed 24x30 inches, including matting. Paper entries must be mounted on sturdy material. 3D artwork (e.g. sculpture) Must be able to move for display purposes. Must include packaging materials and 3 photos of the entry (a combination of angles) for judging, ID and exhibition purposes (entries that require assembling/repairing from transporting will be disqualified). Framed artwork and artwork containing loose materials is not accepted. Matting is accepted. Label back of entry/entry packaging with student name, title of artwork, arts category and division. Submit artwork and student entry form according to your PTA’s instructions. ca.division.visualarts.lastname.firstname should be written on the artwork 2017 IUCPTA Reflections Spring Workshop