Why is 42 the meaning of life? from Farmer Brown
Some light entertainment to keep your brain busy Hope you enjoy this: Why is 42 the meaning of life?
Why 42 is the meaning of life You could argue that there are some aspects to life that go on seemingly forever – we are born, we live and we die (And yes there will always be tax) It is often quoted that 42 is the meaning of life? This question was often asked why? Is it just from an authors imagination?
One explanation from a friend in Kalgoorlie WA where I worked as a young gold miner for KLV in Lake View shaft in what seems like 100 years ago If we are born and we die (hopefully which a full rich life in the middle) then one can argue that death is part of life We could also argue that death is a consequence of life because you cant really die unless you are alive to start with - you could say that you are born to die – the meaning of life
So lets look at 42 Remind you of anything? 42 is two lots of 21 21 is the sum of 1+2+3+4+5+6 Remind you of anything?
Consider a pair of dice:
Each die has 6 faces that in total add up to 21 (1+2+3+4+5+6) Two die is then 42 The meaning of life? (Oh and a piece of string is twice as long as half a piece of string) Have a safe day