Emotional Intelligence Emotional Intelligence... is the ability to recognise and understand your emotions and to realise how your emotions affect those around you.
Lets think ... Being self aware, understanding our feelings and not letting our emotions rule us. Negative emotions can lead to more negative emotions. Below is a list of words using the handout organise the words into two columns.
Enraged confident calm Optimistic irritated fuming Depressed intrigued peaceful Ecstatic anxious ashamed Inferior energetic determined Encouraged vulnerable confused Lonely enthusiastic empty Dull brave humiliated POSITIVE NEGATIVE
Lets discuss... POSITIVE NEGATIVE Be honest, we know there are things we can all do better, lets discuss working on areas of our lives we know we could improve, particularly friendships and relationships. Lets observe our thoughts by writing them down in two columns. POSITIVE NEGATIVE
How many thoughts did you write down altogether? How many were positive? How many were negative? Discuss you thoughts with the class.
Lets think about... Experience of emotions Emotions involve physiological, psychological and social or relational elements. Anger - a response to an offense against me or mine. Fear – a response to facing immediate physical danger. Sadness – a response to loss. Disgust – a response to being close to something or someone unacceptable. Happiness – a response to a positive experience.
Lets respond... Activity 3 Using documentary photography tell a story, choose from the list on the experience of emotions screen. Think about the way you intend to shoot the pictures and how you want the images to look and feel. Do you want the finished picture or pictures to be in black and white? Do you want to use natural light to enhance the mood? Work in pairs or in a group.
Lets discuss ... possible responses Defensive reaction Might run away and hide or shout Acknowledge and delay Say ok but I’m busy, I’m going to my room Social convention Be polite Emotional management Apologise for being impolite Compare your photographic story with the class
How emotionally intelligent are you? Do you understand your strengths and abilities? Are you open to new ideas? How aware are you of your own feelings? When the need arises can you control your emotions? Are you aware of others strengths and abilities? Do you actively listen? Are you aware of others values? When aware of conflict do you explore all points of view? Do you appreciate the hopes of others? Do you seek feedback? Do you show sensitivity towards other people's feelings? Can you tell others your views, even if they are unpopular? When required, do you seek clarity to better your understanding? Can you enable enthusiasm? Do you feel able to express your emotions? Do you encourage other team members? Are you realistically optimistic about the future? Do you trust others? Do you understand the causes that change your feelings? Do you give constructive feedback to help others? Do you provide ongoing support to others? Do you understand how your feelings affect your actions? When required, can you gain physical and emotional support from others? Do you find it easy to understand other peoples perspectives? Do you actively support other team members? Can you remain composed when you're facing problems?
What have we learnt? Intelligence is difficult to understand but it is something to do with our abilities. Emotional intelligence is the understanding of our own and others emotions, being able manage our feelings and to seek the most helpful answer to problems. To increase our emotional intelligence we need to develop our communication, coping and problem solving skills. Bitesize Activity How can we improve our communication skills? - start a conversation with someone you don't know very well.