Public value management johan j coetzee
introduction Network governance Bottom up approach Objective decision making Interpersonal and Interoganisational processes Networks Open to learning Networks of deliberation and delivery How is efficiency and accountability achieved?
introduction Utilitarian character of PVM Thesis antithesis and synthesis
Beyond TPA and NMM searching for Public Value TPA: Weber an perception Separation of party political leadership and bureaucracy See diagram Providing a pool of potential political leaders Strong party discipline Bureaucracy focus
Beyond TPA and NMM searching for Public Value NPM: Complex set of ideas Not sufficient for saving public money not responsive to customer needs Accountability dilemma Better performance needed Leaders to guide the system Separation of world of politics and officials for good leadership required
Beyond TPA and NMM searching for Public Value PVM: See politics as central to management challenge Public ethos different from commercial sector Draw from private sector experiences Cooperation Flexibility Social production
Beyond TPA and NMM searching for Public Value Public interventions defined by search for public value -public managers to create value – -debate and deliberation needed There is a need to give more recognition to the legitimacy of wide range of stakeholders - consensus An open minded relationship approach to the procurement of services is framed by commitment to a public service ethos
Beyond TPA and NMM searching for Public Value -Voluntary sector provision needed -Relational approach An adaptable leaning based approach to the challenge of public service delivery - steering networks of deliberation - continuous evaluation and leaning
Meeting the challenges of efficiency accountability and equity -See diagram TPM – followed by rules and regulations NPM – systems PVM – reflection and learning cooperative perspective - complex dialogue - not a linear approach as TPA - Network governance offers a richer form of democracy
Meeting the challenges of efficiency accountability and equity -Accountability comes form extended citizen involvement -Richness of democratic practise PVM exchange between governors and governed
Conclusion -See diagram NPM Management is kind and politics sidelined PVM leaves its faith in a system of dialogue and exchange associated with network governance PVM offers a new paradigm and a different narrative of reform Focus on networks and relationships