Collaborating to Facilitate Data Literacy in Agricultural Experiment Stations Marianne Stowell Bracke, Purdue University Noël Kopriva, University of Missouri Sarah C. Williams, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
The Partnership North Central Regional Association of State Experiment Station Directors Iowa State University South Dakota State University Kansas State University University of Illinois Michigan State University University of Minnesota North Dakota State University University of Missouri Ohio State University University of Nebraska-Lincoln Purdue University University of Wisconsin After contacting each university, usually the ag librarian, one or more names were put forward.
Partner/Audience Characteristics Agricultural Experiment Station Directors: Have a variety of roles and a variety of backgrounds Are administrators who manage and support researchers Are very interested in deliverables, not so interested in participating in needs assessment Have limited time to devote to data management and sharing Examples of the variety of roles and backgrounds: University of Illinois: Associate Dean for Research; with a background in Animal Science North Dakota State University: Dean of the College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources; with a background in Plant Breeding and Genetics University of Missouri: Dean of the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources; with a background in Entomology Ohio State University: Associate Vice President of Agricultural Administration & Director of the Wooster Campus (Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center); with a background in Veterinary Medicine Administrators, so they have slightly different concerns than researchers Limited time, so needed information succinctly and in an engaging way.
Slide & Script Development Started working from a “Data Dream” document Marianne developed to respond to misunderstandings observed in a group submitting a multi-state grant proposal. With these characteristics in mind, we developed slides and a script for the video. Started working from a “Data Dream” document… The document clarified the researchers’ misunderstandings and addressed the desire to build fancy tools with no awareness of the challenges of day-to-day data curation tasks Divided the content across slides… We knew the video needed to be engaging, so visuals and supporting evidence were crucial. Wrote narrative notes for each slide… Our target time for the video was somewhere between 5-8 minutes. Share the draft slides and script… We received valuable feedback from several librarians. Divided the content across slides and searched for visuals and supporting evidence (e.g., quotes, scholarly studies).
Slide & Script Development Wrote narrative notes for each slide to be used as the script, with close attention given to the length of the script. Shared the draft slides and script with librarians at other NCRA institutions for feedback With these characteristics in mind, we developed slides and a script for the video. Started working from a “Data Dream” document… The document clarified the researchers’ misunderstandings and addressed the desire to build fancy tools with no awareness of the challenges of day-to-day data curation tasks Divided the content across slides… We knew the video needed to be engaging, so visuals and supporting evidence were crucial. Wrote narrative notes for each slide… Our target time for the video was somewhere between 5-8 minutes. Share the draft slides and script… We received valuable feedback from several librarians, including suggestions to edit wording and graphics and to emphasize how librarians can help.
The (digital) Collaborators “The process involved consulting with the project team on the scope of the project, scripting, filming, editing and delivering the final product. ” Sara Moesel E-Learning GRA MU Libraries Navadeep Khanal, PhD E-Learning Librarian MU Libraries
The narrator After the script was ready, Noël used a teleprompter to read it in front of the green screen in the Digital Projects area in Ellis Library Noël was instructed not to wear blue or green but forgot her orange blouse had some blue in it; Sara had to edit her blouse! The end of the video was shot in a separate take a few days later
Initial Feedback Positive Rich in content, especially through multiple viewings Lays out the issues, especially that much is still in flux Gives resources at each university Suggested ideas for next videos Constructive Hard to see text on smaller or mobile devices Need even more clarity on how librarians can help More contact information Clarify audience
Next steps Circulate for more feedback Suggest roll out for NCRA librarians -- perhaps one-on-one meeting with Director after sharing the video for discussion of specific needs and services YouTube channel, and more videos! Share with other regions of Experiment Station Directors and other interested audience