2nd Continental Congress has a Decision to Make! Independence or Peace? 2nd Continental Congress has a Decision to Make!
Try Peace 1st - Olive Branch Petition (1775) Wanted self-gov. but still be loyal to king Written by Dickinson (a moderate) King George III refused to read Ordered naval blockade instead At this point,why was it “too late to apologize’?
Colonists Attack Quebec Urged by Radicals in Congress Hoped French would rebel - they did not Captured Montreal Battles spread to VA & NC (1775-1776) British hired 30,000 mercenaries from Germany (Hessians) -spring 1776 no hopes of reconciliation now
Declare Independence?? Colonists were influenced by Thomas Paine’s Common Sense 47-page essay, urging independence angry, harsh language called king, “royal brute of Britain” Independence = America’s destiny 500,000 copies sold powerful!
Thomas Paine & Common Sense British immigrant Ben Franklin convinced him to come Common Sense, collection of essays urging independence, widely read in colonies Donated profits from essay to Revolution Returned to England, accused of treason Imprisoned in France during French Rev. “Everything that is right or reasonable pleads for separation.”
Idea of Independence Gaining Strength June 7, 1776, Richard Henry Lee (Robert E. Lee’s grandfather) proposed independence Committee chosen - Philip Livingston, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, John Adams, Roger Sherman July 2, delegates voted unanimously for freedom July 4, Declaration was adopted and read publicly
“Declaration was Pure Locke!” Comment by Jefferson He drew heavily from Locke’s 2nd Treatise on Government Especially Locke’s ideas on “natural rights” and right to change an abusive government “Life, Liberty, Property” Jefferson changed “property” to “pursuit of happiness” WHY?
What About Slavery? 1st draft condemned slavery! (pg. 132) Called it cruel and unjust Franklin and Adams urged him to delete it Colonial unity would be required to win war Issue of slavery would divide colonies, offended GA & SC Could force pro-slavery colonists to support king Jefferson dropped it
The Declaration of Independence Painting of the Committee at work Jefferson Adams Franklin Painting by J.L.G. Ferris
Artist – John Trumbull, 1817 Hangs in Capitol rotunda 12’ X 8’ Oil on Canvas Portrays the 5-man committee submitting their work, not the signing Depicts 42 of the 56 signers And some who would not sign, like Dickinson (Why do you think he would not?) Jefferson seems to be standing on Adams’ foot (symbolizing their political rivalry?) Painting used on the 2 Dollar Bill
Two Dollar Bill
Howard Chandler Christy’s Signing of the Declaration, 1940, Also hangs in nation’s capitol