The Simpsons Teach Sentences
Independent Clause - Marge Marge is an independent woman. She can survive on her own.
Independent (Marge) Clause Just like Marge, an independent clause can survive on its own. It is a complete sentence with a subject and a verb that expresses a complete thought. Subject + Verb
Examples of Independent (Marge) Clauses Bart does not like to go to school. Lisa loves the saxophone. Homer loves beer, donuts, pork rinds and sleeping. Otto is not a safe bus driver. Maggie does not talk.
Compound Sentence (Marge + , + F.a.n.b.o.y.s + Marge) For And Nor But Or Yet So For this to work, you must have a comma between the first clause and the FANBOYS!
Examples of two independent clauses brought together Examples of two independent clauses brought together. These are known as Compound Sentences. Homer loves to snuggle with Marge, for Marge is really sexy. Principal Skinner and Mrs. Krabapple are in love, and they have to sneak around so they don’t get in trouble. Lisa stays out of trouble at school, nor does she slack off in her studies. Lisa and Bart may fight a lot, but they do love each other. Otto drives the bus dangerously, or he often finds a way to wreck it. Homer is totally incompetent at work, yet he still manages to keep his job. Mr. Burns is very rich, so he can have whatever he wants.
You can also bring two independent clauses together with a semicolon You can also bring two independent clauses together with a semicolon. These would also be Compound Sentences. Homer loves to snuggle with Marge; Marge is really sexy. Principal Skinner and Mrs. Krabapple are in love; they have to sneak around so they don’t get in trouble. Lisa stays out of trouble at school; she doesn’t slack off in her studies. Lisa and Bart may fight a lot; they do love each other. Otto drives the bus dangerously; he often finds a way to wreck it. Homer is totally incompetent at work; he still manages to keep his job. Mr. Burns is very rich; he can have whatever he wants.
Dependent Clauses (Homer) Homer is messed up when he is on his own. Without Marge by his side, things go wrong. He is DEPENDENT on Marge and cannot survive without her.
Dependent (Homer) Clauses Just like Homer, a dependent clause cannot survive by itself. It does not express a complete thought. IT IS NOT A SENTENCE.
Examples of Dependent (Homer) Clauses After Homer met Marge Although Otto drove the bus As Lisa played the saxaphone When Bart plays pranks While Principal Skinner hides Until Homer causes another meltdown Because Maggie never speaks Before the show begins If Gil could ever get a break Since Mr. Burns is so rich
Examples of Dependent (Homer) Clauses Notice the words, after, although, as, when, while, until because, before, if and since are all subordinating conjunctions. The acronym to remember is AAAWWUBIS. After Homer met Marge Although Otto drove the bus As Lisa played the saxaphone When Bart plays pranks While Principal Skinner hides Until Homer causes another meltdown Because Maggie never speaks Before the show begins If Gil could ever get a break Since Mr. Burns is so rich All of these dependent clauses would be considered fragments!
Uh, I just wanna know … where do I fit in in grammar. What am I Uh, I just wanna know … where do I fit in in grammar? What am I? Am I being snubbed in this educational grammatical process? I just feel like … so left out. I’m much more relevant than that Homer guy. I mean, that was like 20 years ago. Kids know me – but they don’t know him. In fact, I could kick his (CENSORED).
A Rule To Know! A dependent clause (Homer) must have an independent clause (Marge) by it to be a complete sentence.
Let’s Review the Three Types of Sentences! Simple Sentences (Independent Clause/Marge) Compound Sentences (Ind. Clause/Marge + Ind. Clause/Marge) Fragment (Dependent Clause/Homer) Complex (Ind. Clause + Dep. Clause OR Dep. Clause + Ind. Clause)
Simple Sentences (Marge) Subject + Verb Marge walks to the lake. Homer sleeps too much. Bart is cool. Lisa will want to get a dog. Otto won the school safety award Moe wants a large-screen TV for the bar. ta
So… Let’s make Complex Sentences. The formulas are...
Dependent Clause + Independent Clause =
Examples of Complex Sentence AAAWWUBBIS + Homer, + Marge. Although Homer has made a lot of mistakes, Marge still forgives him. Until Lisa goes to college, she will have to live with her parents. When the grass turns green, Homer will have to mow the lawn. After Bart passes third grade, there will be a huge celebration. While Otto gets into wrecks, he keeps his job as a bus driver. Again, all the complex that begin with a dependent (Homer) need a comma before the independent (Marge).
Independent Clause + Dependent Clause =
Examples of Complex Sentence Marge + Homer. (NO COMMA) Marge forgives Homer although he has made a lot of mistakes. Lisa will have to live with her parents until she goes to college. Homer will have to mow the lawn when the grass turns green. There will be a huge celebration when Bart passes third grade. Otto keeps his job as a bus driver while he keeps getting into wrecks. In this case, you do not need a comma between the clauses.
Let’s practice the different kinds of sentences.
Lisa wants a Malibu Stacey Doll. Simple Mr. Burns owns a nuclear plant, but he also wants to buy a coal plant. Compound Bart wants to pass the third grade although he does poorly. Complex Mr. Smithers serves as Mr. Burn’s conscience.
5. Although incompetent, Chief Wiggum still gets to carry a gun. Complex 6. Rev. Lovejoy preaches every Sunday; everyone gets bored from them. Compound 7. Last week, Otto drove the bus into a pond, and he filed for workman’s comp. 8. Is Barney Gumble an alcoholic? Simple
Okay, okay, I got one. I got one. What kind of sentence is this? Peter Griffin is much more freakin’ cool than Homer Simpson. What is it? What is it? It’s a simplex sentence.
Uh, Peter, that’s a Simple Sentence. If you get any more of these sentences incorrect, you will face my wrath!!! Now do your assignment!!!