Producing x-t and v-t graphs Physics
Sample Problem Mr. Weist gets stuck in traffic on his way to school. For the first 5 minutes, he drives 1500 meters for every 60 seconds of time that passes. For the next 20 minutes, He is only able to advance 500 meters for every 1 minute of time. Afterward, the car is put into park for some time.
Example 1 Helen rides a zip line on vacation. At 5 seconds, she steps from the platform and begins to slide. For every 1 second of time that passes, she moves 30 meters along the line. At 35 seconds, she reaches the end platform and stops completely. Produce an x-t and v-t graph depicting this motion.
Example 2 Bartholomew is on the track team, but he likes to daydream. He wonders why the sky is blue instead of listening for the starting signal. As a result, he begins 2 seconds later than the others. He runs at a constant velocity of 5 m/s for the next 3 seconds. He then trips, falls, and completely stops. At 9 seconds into the race, he gives up and begins to jog back toward the starting line at -3 m/s. NOTE: The starting line is at x=0m and the signal fires at t=0s. Produce an x-t and v-t graph depicting this motion.
Example 3 Eugene is conducting a punt return. At zero seconds, he is standing on the 5 yard line. For the first two seconds, he walks 5 yards backward toward his own goal line. At two seconds, he catches the punt and begins to run 10 yards for every 1 second toward the opposing team’s goal line. He does not stop until he scores a touchdown. Produce an x-t and v-t graph depicting this motion.
Example 4 Martin is playing lacrosse. At zero seconds, a he is traveling 5 meters for every 1 second of time. Unfortunately, he runs into a larger player at 4 seconds, and Martin is sent flying backward 1 meter in 1 second. Dazed and sore, he is unable to move for the next 10 seconds. Produce an x-t and v-t graph depicting this motion.
Example 5 Judith is a jockey. At zero seconds, she and her horse begin running forward 10 meters for every 1 second of time. This continues for the first 20 seconds of the race. For the next 20 seconds, they trot at a rate of 15m/s. For the final 20 seconds, the race is over, so they trot 5 meters for every 1 second of time to cool down. Produce an x-t and v-t graph depicting this motion.
Example 6 Geoff is a whitewater kayaking enthusiast. For the first 60 seconds, he simply floats 1 meter downstream for every 1 second that passes. He then decides to stop and wait 120 seconds for his friends to catch up. Then, for the final 60 seconds, Geoff rides 10 m/s through treacherous whitewater.