Organized by Wisconsin Health-System Administration Residents ASHP’s Pharmacy Practice Model Initiative A Gap Analysis of Wisconsin Hospitals Organized by Wisconsin Health-System Administration Residents Chad Smith, PharmD, MBA, BCPS Jack Kampf, PharmD, MPH, BCPS John Gray, PharmD Barry McClain, PharmD Justin Guthman, PharmD Ryan Fleming, PharmD
Rationale PPMI implementation guidance not available PSW structured to support the collaboration of Wisconsin pharmacy directors/departments Practice ‘gaps’ need to be identified to develop next steps PSW to offer guidance and education based on analysis to continually expand pharmacy practice in Wisconsin
Gap Analysis Tool Survey to be sent to all pharmacy directors Designed to determine the following: Site demographics: Hospital information Current pharmacy practice model Site’s status with each consensus statement “To what extent is your pharmacy department following this recommendation?” “How important is this recommendation to achieve/maintain a comprehensive practice model at your site?”
Gap Analysis Tool – 4 Domains Imperatives for New Pharmacy Practice Models Optimal Pharmacy Practice Models Advancing the Application of Information Technology in the Medication-Use Process Advancing the use of Pharmacy Technicians
Gap Analysis Tool To what extent is your pharmacy department following this recommendation 5 = Fully implemented throughout 4 = Fully implemented in some areas 3 = Partially implemented in some or all areas 2 = Formally discussed and considered, not implemented 1 = No activity How important is this recommendation to achieve/maintain a comprehensive practice model at your site 5 = Very important 4 = Somewhat important 3 = Neutral 2 = Somewhat not important 1 = Not important at all
PPMI Gap Analysis Pilot Gap analysis tool piloted by four hospital pharmacy departments: Aurora St. Luke’s Medical Center Froedtert Health-Community Memorial Hospital Froedtert Hospital University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics Purpose was to test survey reporting and gather feedback
Reporting Capabilities Pharmacist-provided drug therapy management should be prioritized using a patient medication complexity index. (e.g. severity of illness, number of medications, and co-morbidities)
Reporting Capabilities
Gap Analysis Tool PSW to analyze survey results Hospitals will receive survey summary Aggregate results to be published in JPSW
Next Steps Directors/managers to complete survey PSW to compile & distribute results Develop ‘Best Practice Guiding Documents’ PSW to develop resources & education based on gaps identified PSW Hospital Pharmacy Advisory Board will plan educational programs to support PPMI References to be located on