VMM1 An ASIC for Micropattern Detectors


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Presentation transcript:

VMM1 An ASIC for Micropattern Detectors Gianluigi De Geronimo , Jack Fried, Shaorui Li, Jessica Metcalfe* Neena Nambiar, Emerson Vernon, and Venetios Polychronakos Brookhaven National Laboratory - *CERN TWEPP - September 2012

VMM1: architecture and issues VMM ASIC family VMM: ASIC family for ATLAS Muon Spectrometer upgrade (Micromegas and Thin Gap Chamber) VMM1: architecture and issues VMM2: plans VMM1 AR

Architecture logic neighbor CA shaper 64 channels direct timing (ToT or TtP) or real time address (ART) peak time addr timing mux amplitude address logic dual polarity, adj. gain (0.5, 1, 3, 9 mV/fC) (0.11 to 2 pC), adj. peaktime (25-200 ns) discriminator with sub-hysteresis and neighboring (channel and chip) address of first event in real time at dedicated output (ART) direct timing outputs: time-over-threshold or time-to-peak peak detector, time detector <1 ns multiplexing with sparse readout and smart token passing (channel and chip) threshold and pulse generators, analog monitors, channel mask, temperature sensor, 600mV BGR, 600mV LVDS power 4.5 mW/ch, size 6 x 8.4 mm², process IBM CMOS 130nm 1.2V CA

Dual polarity charge amplifier N 1 Ibias sp sn -∞ N 1 Ibias Qout = Qin ·N Qin -∞ CF CF·N from sensor to virtual ground ESD protection - issue: excessive leakage (few nA) rail-to-rail output VA

Front-end voltage amplifier Vin L = 180 nm W = 10 mm M = 200 ID = 2 mA MI inverting output stage with bootstrapping Mc2 bias circuit MC1 MS1 MS2 C Vout comp MC2 MS2 VC2 MC2 VC2 fast response to positive charge switchable compensation - issue: unstable when set for large caps SC

Gain and energy resolution Gain vs input capacitance ENC vs input capacitance high drop due to failing switchable compensation difference due to increased peaking time disagreement part due leakage from ESD protection, part being investigated analog dynamic range Qmax/ENC exceeds 12,000 DR

Delayed Dissipative Feedback (DFF) Delay feedback of dissipative element (i.e. resistor RS) DDF shaper Q·N CS RS CF CS Q·N V1 CF·N Vout -∞ -∞ other poles Q charge gain N shaper higher analog dynamic range Applies also to the other stages of the shaper see G. De Geronimo and S. Li, TNS 58, Oct. 2011 DS

Sub-hysteresis discrimination Comparator input stage output upper threshold upper threshold hysteresis Positive feedback high speed at low Vi+-Vi- hysteresis set NMOS ratio lower threshold hysteresis sets minimum detectable Sub hysteresis 1 - set window lower limit reduced to overlap no action on input or threshold signals 2 - raise window after trigger switch NMOS ratio hold until triggers back PD

Peak measurements Large amplitude Small amplitude with sub-hysteresis nominal hysteresis 20 mV ~3 mV offset from external buffers TD

Uses peak-found signal Timing measurements Uses peak-found signal low time-walk high timing resolution sub-ns timing ns time walk (can be calibrated) disagreement with theor. due to effective peaktime G. De Geronimo, in “Medical Imaging” by Iniewski TM

Direct timing Direct timing ToT and TtP dedicated output for each channel available as ToT or TtP (time-to-peak) OM

Amplitude measurements Linearity Channel uniformity within 2% for ~ 1 V full swing peak dispersion includes baseline threshold dispersion 8.8 mV rms requires improved matching and/or larger trimming range (currently 15 mV) FN

Two chips (a,b) and one channel exceeding threshold (64 in chip a) ART and Neighboring Two chips (a,b) and one channel exceeding threshold (64 in chip a) ART threshold or peak with address flags and readout multiplexed sequential peak detect outputs analog pulses only one exceeds threshold neighbors (chan. and chip) enabled for peak detection V2

Plans for VMM2 fixes, higher gain setting, lower gain setting (5pC) neighbor trigger direct timing (ToT, TtP, PDAD) logic 6b PDAD timing clock or real time address (ART) CA shaper peak FIFO 10b ADC mux time data (ampl., time, addr.) 6b coarse count addr. channel logic data clock fixes, higher gain setting, lower gain setting (5pC) external trigger 6-bit peak detector and digitizer (PDAD) for direct timing 10-bit 5MS/s ADCs per channel and FIFO fully digital IOs, derandomization, simultaneous measurement and readout 6-bit counter for coarse timing

Conclusions VMM is an ASIC family for the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer upgrade (Micromegas, TGC) VMM1 has been developed and tested, with results in good agreement with the design Main issues with the charge amplifier compensation (limits the rise time at large capacitance) and the large leakage from the ESD protection VMM2 (in design) will integrate a number of improvements for simultaneous measurement and readout Acknowledgment Ken A. Johns, Sarah L. Jones (University of Arizona, USA) Nachman Lupu (Technion Haifa, Israel) Howard Gordon and Craig Woody (BNL, USA) ATLAS review team (J. Oliver, M. Newcomer, R. Richter, P. Farthouat)

Backup slides

Peak detection 1 - Track (< threshold) 3 - Read (at peak-found) • Amplifier re-configured as buffer • High drive capability • Amplifier offsets is canceled • Enables rail-to-rail operation • Accurate timing • Some pile-up rejection 1 - Track (< threshold) • Analog output is tracked at hold capacitor • MP and MN are both enabled 2 - Peak-detect (> threshold) • Pulse is tracked and peak is held • Only MP is enabled • Comparator is used as peak-found

ENC and timing coefficients for various shapers G. De Geronimo, in “Medical Imaging” by Iniewski