[Organization Name Here] [Project Title Here] [Organization Name Here] Program Milestone #1: Design Research Insights 2017 Innovation Catalyst – April 2017
[project title here / Organization Name Here] INITIAL OPPORTUNITY: The problem we initially set out to solve was… [REPLACE TEXT: Keep your answer concise. For example: Patients are not taking advantage of housing & other social support referral services we offer at the clinic.] TESTING ASSUMPTIONS: The questions we wanted to explore were… [REPLACE TEXT: For example, (1) What happens once a patient is referred to a housing support service? (2) How do patients learn about community housing resources? (3) What are barriers they face to obtaining housing support?] CO-DESIGN PARTNERS: To explore the issue more deeply, we collaborated with... [REPLACE TEXT: Who were the stakeholders you spoked to, observed, interviewed, informed about what you wanted to work on? How many of each stakeholder type did you work with? For example: We spoke to 3 local CBOs offering housing supports, 4 patients experiencing homeless (2 who had a successful referral, 2 who did not), and our 3 wellness coaches to who refer patients to social services.] place an image or photo here that represents the problem, opportunity, or unmet need [Photo caption here or DELETE] place a photo here that shows some of the stakeholders you partnered with [Photo caption here or DELETE]
[project title here / Organization Name Here] place photo(s)/image(s) here of your activities and experiences using methods SEE & EXPERIENCE: The methods we used/activities we did were... [REPLACE TEXT: List the methods you used, with whom you did them, and for what purpose. Please include information on how you went about analyzing the information you gathered. For example: We did journey mapping with both the health coaches and patients to understand where the paint points were in the referral process from both perspectives. We took themes and quotes from that exercise and compared it to what we heard from our interviews of other stakeholders, and had a discussion on our core team about where we needed more information.] [Photo caption here or DELETE]
[project title here / Organization Name Here] place a photo/image here showing how you synthesized and organized your research insights into themes, frameworks, diagrams, etc. DIMENSION & DIAGRAM: What we learned from those activities was… [REPLACE TEXT: Share insights from your activities and research. Attach images of the diagrams/frameworks you created, if you have them, as an appendix. What needs aren’t currently being met? Why are those needs important to your end users? Include verbatim quotes from your end users to articulate your key insights.] [Photo caption here or DELETE]
place a photo here of your choosing! [project title here / Organization Name Here] QUESTION & REFRAME: Based on our research insights, the focused opportunity we plan to focus on is… [REPLACE TEXT: You may include a few “How Might We” statements here if you are still prioritizing. For example: How might we build trust between our long-time patients and our external housing partners?] THE CATALYST EXPERIENCE IN A PICTURE: Working this way made us feel… [REPLACE TEXT: To the right, paste an image that expresses how it felt to work using the human-centered design mindsets and methods. What image did you choose? Why did you choose it? What feelings does it evoke for you? For example: We felt like we were learning how to breath all over again, like you do when you scuba dive… It felt really unnatural at first.] place a photo here of your choosing! [Photo caption here or DELETE] place image here that evokes how it felt for your team to work in this way [Photo caption here or DELETE]
[project title here / Organization Name Here] APPENDIX [If you need extra space to share artifacts from your work (e.g. photos, visual templates, frameworks, stories, etc.), put them here. Repeat this slide as many times as you need.]