Echline Primary Curriculum Evening Mrs Ingram and Mrs Littlejohn
Overview of the year Term 1 Scots Focus Week & P7 Burns Supper P7 shared project – Citizenship P7s – Risk Factory Countries and Continents IDL P7s – Hopetoun House Project Bridge Walk and Chris Rutterford Mural P7 Camp JASS Presentations Term 4 Term 2 Health Eco and Outdoor Learning Week P6, P6/7 and P7 Show Sports’ Day Road Safety Focus Week P7 Prom P7 Leavers’ Ceremony Term 3 World Book Day Talk here about big things that are happening. Annual calendar things, e.g. big topics, sailing, camp, trips assembly, shows etc. Swimming?
Routines Mrs McLoughlin – Wednesdays PE teacher (Mr Cheung) – Monday Buddies (Shared Reading) with P2– Tuesdays School Library – Thursdays This section is for PE days, other specialists, library days, buddies, homework. New ‘BAT’ (or newly named)
Home learning Home Learning issued at the start of a new term and monitored weekly on a Friday through discussions and peer assessment Choice in all Home Learning tasks JASS Projects to start soon… Discuss new format for homework, talk about making children more responsible and independent learners. Bring folder Fridays.
Assessment Continual teacher observation Encouraged to self assess and reflect on targets Self Assessment through the choice of difficulty level of a task Peer Assessment of Home Learning Rotation for the assessment of writing – Self, Peer, Teacher Explain all types of assessment. Not everything needs to be marked by the teacher, this will be set up as a rotation. Go over marking of spelling etc. Not every error will be marked/changed. Verbal feedback will be given too – ask your child!
Maths and Numeracy Number work – Monday/ Tuesday and alternate Fridays Non-number – Wednesdays/Thursday and alternate Fridays Daily problem solving - Teacher – teach concepts, discussions, games - Independent – written task - Games – Sumdog to practise core skills or other games Flexible groupings based on topic Talk about the setup for Maths and anything relevant for you and your class. Link to home learning section. Regular assessments will dictate groups, this may change termly, weekly or even daily.
Literacy Spelling – taught a spelling pattern and choose words to take home and learn Writing – Big Writing with use of VCOP, functional writing linked to themes and IDL Listening and Talking – Talk Partners, Newsround, story, class assembly, presentations (JASS), group work Reading HOTS – Higher Order Thinking Skills Teacher Follow-up Talk about the setup for Literacy and anything relevant for you and your class. Also link to home learning section. Go over marking of spelling etc. Not every error will be marked/changed.
Health and Wellbeing PE days will be Tuesday (class PE) and Monday (Mr Cheung) Class Charter in each classroom and referred to regularly Traffic light behaviour chart One pupil selected from each class as Eco Rep., Pupil Council Rep., Rights Respecting Schools Rep. Behaviour, class charter, wider life of the school, PE, Pupil Groups
Thanks and Questions Wrap things up and take questions.