Introduction to Experimental Site Axion Research @ Mainz
Potential Experimental Sites of IAXO Positive SPSC recommendation puts some commitment to CERN to act as host institution However, wish from CERN to also look for alternative sites / funding for the magnet system Alternative site has to have the required cryogenic, engineering infrastructure DESY Mainz INFN Frascati ???
Mainz Involvement in ALPS / WISP Searches AG Budker: Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment (ERC Advanced Grant) CASPEr: ultrasensitive NMR experiment GNOME: Global Network of Optical Magnetometers for Exotic physics searches Dilaton Searches via Atomic Clocks AG Denig Search for Hidden Photons at MESA/MAMI AG Heil search for a spin-dependent P- and T-violating nucleon-nucleon interaction mediated by light pseudoscalar bosons AG Wurm: Borexino, (Juno) AG Schott: OSQAR, ALPS-II
Accelerators at Mainz (1/2) MAMI Hallmarks Electron and Photon Beam Emax = 1.6 GeV Intensity max. 140 μA Resolution σE < 0.100 MeV Polarization 85% Low-Energy Electron Accelerator with high intensity suited for Dark Photon search at time of publication most stringent limit ruling out major part of the parameter range motivated by (g-2)μ
Accelerators at Mainz (2/2) Mainz Energy-Recovering Superconducting Accelerator Recirculating ERL Emax = 155 MeV Imax > 1 mA (ERL) commissioning 2020 WISP related physics program Dark sector searches with MAGIX Beam Dump Experiment (BDX) @ MESA
Potential Sites at Mainz
(Axion Related) Infrastructure at Mainz Infrastructure and expertise in the operation of large scientific instruments Mechanics, engineering Helmholtz Institute Mainz (HIM): Cooperation between Uni. Mainz, Helmholtz-Association, GSI Darmstadt Liquid helium infrastructure/cryo-expertise and supply for (large) superconducting magnets Possibility to operate MESA/MAMI and magnet facilities in sequence / in parallel Moderate space next-to / close-by the accelerator complex
Possible Future Axion Research Activities Continue and intensify our axion research efforts in the future One possible option under discussion: Integrate a platform to the existing infrastructure, which allows to operate large magnets / provide large magnetic fields for axion related research Operation of smaller-scale (existing) magnets: relic axion searches, VMB, … Platform would allow for operation of large-scale magnets designed specifically for axion searches