Male Body Image The way society views men in film today may lead to a rise in male objectification and the harm of the everyday man.
“The male body in the media has an impact on how males, especially developing males, perceive their own bodies, Males are being exposed to the same extreme ideals of body perfection as females.” --Bonnie Brennan, a certified eating disorder In 1996 almost $300 million was spent on male body modification such as Creation of cleft chins Pectoral implants Penis enlargement surgeries
“I think what the explosion of media images has done in the digital age is lower our normal societal discontent. ... It is much easier for us as a society to look in the mirror and compare ourselves,” --Brian Cuban, author of “Shattered Image,”
In the United States, 20 million women and 10 million men will suffer from a clinically significant eating disorder at some time in their life. These images of men with perfect physiques, which have become more prevalent in movies, TV shows and advertisements in recent years, can negatively impact males’ body image. --Dr. Will Courtenay a men’s psychologist
Conclusion I think men are under just as much pressure as women in realizing an often unrealistic body image
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