Innovation and Industrial Relationships at DESY The Technology Campus as Innovation Driver Katja Kroschewski Head of DESY Technology Transfer DESY-KEK-Meeting Hamburg, 08.03.2016
DESY - Home of Brilliant Light Sources New High Brilliance X-ray Sources Research Labs/ Inhouse Application Labs PETRA III FLASH
Collaborations on Campus Centre for Free-Electron Laser Science Centre for Structural Systems Biology Centre for Hybrid Nanostructures (CHyN) Federal Excellence Initiative UHH-DESY-EMBL-XFEL Institut für Experimentalphysik Centre for Ultrafast Imaging
Innovation at DESY Innovation Strategy 2016 Stabsstelle “Innovation and Technology Transfer” Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Innovation Strategy Council (ISC) Fields of Innovation Technology challenge leads to pioneering work Pioneering work happens in cooperation with companies Can lead to paradigm shifts DESY`s challenge also encourages companies to develop new techniques and innovative services Use of the light sources by industry
Types of Industrial Partners Suppliers From simple components to high-tech developments Customers Licence contracts (patents and know-how) Use of infrastructure (plus optional service) Range of other services Spin-offs that sell products
DESY Technology Transfer - Application starts here Sörne Möller Communication Office, Sponsoring, Services Lan Fimmen Patents, Industrial Service Lightsources Katja Kroschewski Group Leader Dr. Ilka Mahns Contracts, Utilisation, Start-up Office Christian Mennrich Marketing Katharina Kull Sales, MicroTCA.4
Technology Transfer: from Research to Innovation Return flow to DESY Licensing income Know-how profit New cooperations / research projects Improvement of DESY-Technologies Research IP Know-how Technologies Industry Products Market requirements Business volume Capital Identify and protect Products Prepare Products for Market Distribute Products Marketing
Technology Transfer and Application Examples @ DESY Beamtime for Industry Licensing Spin-offs DESY Technologies Validation Projects
Technology Transfer Project „MTCA.4 for Industry“ Duration: July 2012 – December 2014 Volume: 4 Mio. EUR (50% by Helmholtz, 50% by DESY & industrial partners) Goal: Commercialisation of a measurement and control system based on the electronic standard MicroTCA.4 in different fields of industry and research institutes Benefits for DESY and the companies: More and intensive cooperation between DESY and industry Higher visibility of DESY in industry, international research (FAIR, ESS, ITER) and society Increase of licence agreements and revenues Cooperation partners: 13 companies from industry Helmholtz Validierungsprojekt „MTCA.4 for Industrie“ (HVF-0016)
Data Management and Storage Development Cebit, 2012: DESY/IBM agreement on strategic cooperation for innovative storage development „Science“, 2012: Researchers from IBM and CFEL (DESY, UHH, MPG) constructed the world‘s smallest magnetic storage August 2014: DESY/IBM cooperation to develop Big Data solution for research – Goal: processing of up to 20 GB/sec for more than 2000 researchers
Materials Research & Nano Technologies Properties of materials: from toys to kevlar vests, from lotions to chocolate mousse ... Analysis & optimization of materials and surfaces Organic solar cell research Layers for credit cards Turbine blades Catalysts
Life Sciences Strong Life Science presence on the DESY campus (e.g. EMBL, CSSB, MPG) Nobel Prize 2009 for Ada Yonath Protein Crystallography: Research for tailor made pharmaceuticals
Industrial Access Direct and fast access to the beamlines No scientific peer review required Access on a cost basis Maximum of 5% of the user time at PETRA III All inquiries are treated confidentially Three types of contract for industrial access: Feasibility studies Short-term contracts Long-term cooperation Optional: Preparation and execution of measurements & specific data evaluation
Development of Industrial Usage of Synchrotrons 25 years ago large, multinational companies had the resources to fund beamlines or have the in-house staff capability to run beamtime Today: flexible access and support from synchrotron staff empowers even small companies to use synchrotrons Meet the needs: rapid access for short periods, flexible contractual procedures, competitive pricing and a range of services Usually, Life Science dominates the usage at the light sources Collaboration in grant-funded projects
The Science Link Network Large Scale facilities: Photons, Neutrons DESY- (DORIS) PETRA HZB BESSY, BERII HZG GEMS Materials Science - PETRA MAX-IV Laboratory, MAX-II and III 9 regional agencies – contact points 7 academic partners Funding 3.6 Mio EUR 2012-2014 partly financed by BSR programme 66 applications, 39 measurements
Technology Transfer and Application Examples @ DESY Beamtime for Industry Licensing Spin-offs DESY Technologies Validation Projects
DESY-Startup Office – established since 2013 Laser Technologies Nano Technology Life Sciences/ Medical Engineering Services Consultancy and training for potential spin-offs Organisation and provision of required services Coordination of DESY premises for founders Execution of market analyses in cooperation with external partners Networking of the spin-offs within DESY as well as the Helmholtz Association
Spin-offs @ DESY and University of Hamburg Currently 6 spin-off projects in the DESY Start-up Office Fields of research: Detectors, laser systems, electronics, beamline equipment, electron sources 5 spin-off companies succesfully founded 4 Helmholtz Enterprise funding applications submitted and granted
Innovation Centre Research-based incubator on the DESY premises High potential for innovation on the research campus Funding: 14.6 mio € from State of Hamburg (FHH) Operation: Innovationszentrum GmbH (DESY, FHH, UHH) Industrial application and market launch of R&D results through spin-off companies Establishment of a network of professional contacts and cooperations Return flow of know-how to R&D work
The Technology Campus as Innovation Driver DESY Campus Hamburg international hub for Excellent Science Raise awareness for innovation potential Meet customer needs Communication between research community, facilities and industry is of utmost importance We offer industrial companies Opportunities to benefit from the insights of basic research and to take an active part in the development of new technologies Access to scientific and technological developments and our globally unique facilities Opportunities to develop and improve (new) applications and products based on R&D at DESY Commercialisation of licences, technologies and services
Thank you! Katja Kroschewski Tel.: +49 40 8998 - 3675