Tracie Glaeser, Court Administrator Youth Accountability TMCEC Presented by Tracie Glaeser, Court Administrator City of Round Rock
Continuing obligation to change address/residence required Give proper notice Citation/handout Parental Summons/other notices Judge In Open Court
Obligation Specifics Notice – 45.057(h) Offense – 45.057(g) Class C Misd - $500 max By the 7th day after moving Notice manner directed by the court Continues until judgment satisfied (any age) Defense if not given notice
The Show Scenario The child comes to court with parent or person standing in parental relation; enters a plea of No Contest or Guilty and a judgment has been entered DSC Deferred Extension for payment Community Service
The Show Scenario-Default on Judgment Show Cause hearing DSC (required) Deferred Community service Extended or Complied Not in Contempt
The Show Scenario-Default on Judgment Show Cause hearing DSC (required) Deferred Community service Denied Contempt
The Show Scenario-Default on Judgment At the Contempt Hearing Determinations Refer child to juvenile court for delinquent conduct OR Retain jurisdiction over child
Referring the Child Remember, the criminal case will remain outstanding in your court. The child is still responsible for fully satisfying the judgment. The child would be referred to the Juvenile court for delinquent conduct and the juvenile court might take more restrictive actions with this child.
Show Scenario-Default on Judgment If jurisdiction is retained Hold child in contempt Up to $500 (add on fine) And / Or Suspend Driver License
Show-Default-Juvenile Now Adult Attempt to discharge judgment Courtesy notices Phone calls Non Secure Custody Warrants
Show-Default- Juvenile Now Adult May issue a Capias Pro fine If 17 & Capias is justified Consider Sophistication & Maturity Consider Criminal Record and history Consider Other methods of discharge Proceeded under 45.050 “Contempt”
No Show Scenario This child has been released from custody by a peace officer and the court has sent the parental summons yet the child nor parent has appeared. Use all available procedures under 45 Use all methods of contact Issue warrant of non secure custody
FTA- Juvenile Now Adult Court issues notice of continuing obligation to appear Notice served By personal service By mail
FTA- Juvenile Now Adult Appear Handle outstanding cases Don’t Appear New Charge – Violation of continuing obligation to appear 45.060 Regular warrant as an adult
Tidbits! Definition of parent includes “persons standing in parental relation” Definition of “Child (10-16) Recall Surprise Birthday Party Warrants Alcoholic Beverage Code Sec. 106.11 repealed Juvenile Case Manager Fund – Ordinance required; $5; eff. 1/1/2006