To access reports log in with your user name and password. Contact Liz if you need to acquire these 023 8087 4132
Choose HoNOS reports menu option from the toolbar
Select reports as required 1)-Number of records returned 2)-Number of paired records 3)-Average scale scores 4)-Average total scores 5)-Service User level information 6)-Outcome/score change by diagnosis 7)-Quality report
Report 1 gives details of the number of HoNOS records collected by each team, over a time period of your choosing, in monthly intervals.
Select the period of interest Next the service type e.g. inpatients or CMHT Select one or All teams Choose rating setting
Results are displayed for each month in the chosen period. The number of records is broken down by rating setting type. Compare monthly admissions or similar. Add admissions, reviews and discharges for total submissions in a month. NB. Date relates to HoNOS record not the date record was added to database. If you select all teams, all teams in the service type(s) selected are displayed.
Report 2 details the number of paired assessments made each month.
Select period and Select service of interest
Pairs/month are based on whether the first half of a pair started in the given month is completed (in any month). Pairs are counted admission/review, admission/discharge, review/discharge The percentage complete indicates if pairs need completing
Report 3 shows trends in admission, review and discharge scores by service type for each individual HONOS scale items.
Choose date range Choose service type Select your team or All teams Run report
Results show the average score for each scale A (admission/initial assessment) R (review) D (discharge) The number of records contributing to this mean value is shown at the bottom of the page.
Report 4 shows trends in admission, review and discharge total scores by service type.
Choose date range Select service of interest Select team(s) Choose rating setting Average scores are shown and the number of records contributing to the mean value displayed
Report 5 shows individual patient scores, this is also available from the service user search page
Report 5 as it appears on the service user search page
Report 5 as it appears on the service user menu page
Choose date as other reports Use patient ID/Client ID as described on search page alternatively connect to report 5 from individual service user menu page Report shows total scores in this box Scroll down for more detail
Dates of assessments are shown here And HoNOS domain scores Scales 1-3 (behaviour domain), Scales 4,5 (Impairment domain), Scales 6-8 (Symptoms domain) Scales 9-12 (Social functioning)
Report 6 shows the average change in score noted for paired records under a certain diagnosis
Choose date range Service of interest Team (or all teams) Diagnosis or diagnoses
Results returned are dependent on completed pairs in the date range The average change in pair score is given and the number of pairs contributing to this mean value.
Report 7 indicates data quality, the number of times unknown items are recorded
Select date range Select service type Select team Run Report Results show the number of records with unknown items records and in which scales
Please let me know changes, alterations, additions that you would like made to the HECS reporting system By email