Patient Story Phlebotomy Service Children’s Community Nursing Team Presented by Kath Booth Assistant Practitioner and Autism Champion
Compliment received Phone call received from mother to the Team Leader : Very impressed with our service Very well organised Catered for her sons specific needs Would highly recommend service Wanted reassurance that she could use this service again if needed.
Johnny 7 year old boy – Johnny. Referral made by GP. Needle phobia due to poor experience 2 years ago Autistic traits (although undiagnosed) / mild LD Under CAMHS and Psychologist for needle phobia.
The Process Photographs – equipment, environment, procedure made into a journal. Pre meet arranged Took journal home Distraction
OUTCOMES and ONGOING WORK Increase in referrals of children with challenging behaviour / Learning difficulties / phobias/ Autism. Working with SALT to design an Autism friendly format story board Story diaries App HoS looking into Safe Holding Training. Planning and preparation is the key – will save time, reduce wasted appointment times enabling a more effective and efficient service.