Avoid Manhood Pain with These Workout Tips


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Presentation transcript:

Avoid Manhood Pain with These Workout Tips

Men who love working out have probably already discovered a hidden danger in those great workouts – the prospect of manhood pain. This is especially true if a guy winds up chafing down there, where delicate skin can feel as though it has been set on fire. The great news is that excellent member care, combined with these solid workout tips, can be all that’s needed to protect his male organ from pain and ensure a great workout without any of the discomfort.member care

Workout tips to avoid manhood pain Keep in mind that some of these tips will take trial and error to find the right balance, so a guy might not see immediate results. But they are a great place to begin. 1) Give the hair a trim. A thick thatch of hair does more harm than good when a man is really into working out. That’s because not only does the hair make things hotter down there, it can also capture more sweat and hold onto bacteria, which means more nasty odors. In addition, the thick, coarse hair might rub against the delicate male organ skin during repetitions on equipment or while on a run, thus leading to some unique chafing. Men can remedy this problem by simply trimming up a bit. There’s no need to shave completely – unless he wants to, of course – but a simple trim can work wonders.

2) Choose lubricant or powders that ease the friction. Those who engage in long workouts might find that certain body parts rub together to create friction that eventually leads to serious chafing. To combat this, many companies have created lubricants and powders specifically designed for those who deal with this problem. These products will allow the skin to slip and slide without leading to the friction that all too often leads to manhood pain. Just be sure to apply them liberally and often! 3) Opt for the right clothing. Though it might be tempting to throw on the most comfortable clothing possible for a trip to the gym, that might not be the best bet. A guy should look instead for wicking shorts, which will pull moisture away from the skin and help him stay drier, which in turn helps him stay more comfortable. A guy can also look for workout clothing that ‘breathes’ through tiny holes, rather than opting for something like cotton, which had a tendency to bunch up and lead to friction where a guy doesn’t need it.

4) Know how to treat it. Sometimes a man will wind up with chafing, despite his best efforts – and that’s especially true when he has just started working out again after an absence from the gym. When chafing does happen, a man should take care to keep the area very clean, use moisturizing creams or lubricants that are specifically designed to help ease the pain, and spend some time “airing out” the area in order to prevent the chafing from getting worse.

And of course, no gym bag is complete without a good member health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) among the contents. A guy should look for a crème that is perfect to apply after his shower, such as one that includes Shea butter and vitamin E to lock in the hydration and keep skin moisturized. He should also look for ingredients that help out in other areas, such as alpha lipoic acid for fighting against free radicals and vitamin A for odor control. Using the crème every day can help ensure a guy does all he can to keep his member healthy, happy and free of pain between workouts.member health crème