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LEARN TO TRADE FOREX The subject ‘Learn to trade Forex’ is a daunting one. Many traders initially believe that indicators will help them predict the future, when all they do is describe the past. We love price action trading so much because of the cleanness, simplicity and the fact you’re working with the ‘right here, right now’.
LEARN FOREX A crucial point to keep in mind when you learn Forex trading, is that it’s not just about the trade signals. A system may generate multiple buy and sell signals throughout the week, but that doesn’t mean each and every one will be good trading opportunities.
LEARN FOREX TRADING You should shift your attention onto the price itself, and focus on the candlesticks. Most of these fancy tools are derived from the raw price action anyway, so cut out the ‘middle man’ and learn Forex trading directly from the price action itself. Here is an example of the price action template we use for our Forex trading…
KEEP TRADING SIMPLE We live in a very complicated and competitive world. So, we have a tendency to make our approach to Forex trading very complex as well, thinking it will give us a competitive edge by reflecting all of the variables that affect the markets. Most traders will go through the heartache of trying expensive tools, complicated strategies or sophisticated Forex indicators, and ultimately come to the consensus that the ‘complicated approach’ is not working out.
ONE STRATEGY AT A TIME It’s counter-productive to continuously jump from system to system, expecting to find the ‘holy grail’. It’s a vicious cycle that’s hard to break, very mentally & emotionally taxing, and it’s just no way to live. Obviously not all traders desire the same thing. Some traders are looking for high action/high frequency trading strategies.
IT’S NOT JUST ABOUT TRADE SETUPS A crucial point to keep in mind when you learn Forex trading, is that it’s not just about the trade signals. A system may generate multiple buy and sell signals throughout the week, but that doesn’t mean each and every one will be good trading opportunities.
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