When you see the following slides, say the first word that comes into your mind
Lesson Objectives… To understand Hitler’s position in To know the factors that helped Hitler become Fuhrer and establish Germany as a one party state How did Hitler consolidate his power by 1934?
Task… Write at least 3 statements to describe this cartoon of Hitler’s position in January Tip-Who are the other characters in the picture? What are they doing with Hitler?
Task 3… Write at least 3 statements to describe this cartoon of Hitler’s position 18 months later. What had changed about Hitler’s position by 1934?
For your information… In January 1933-Hitler was in a weak position; Only 2 other Nazi’s had positions in the New Government. Nazi’s support had fallen from 37% to 33% during To control the Reichstag he needed at least 50% of the vote. Hitler could be sacked by President at any time. Hindenburg and Franz Von Papen planned to use Hitler like a puppet from ‘behind the scenes’.
For your information… By the end of 1934 Hitler was in a totally different position; Von Papen had resigned. Hindenburg was dead. Hitler was President and Chancellor. The army had taken an oath of personal loyalty to Hitler. The Nazi’s were the ONLY political party. How had this happened?
There were 8 steps to power The Reichstag Fire - 27 February 1933 New Elections - 5 March 1933 The Enabling Law - 24th March 1933 Trade Unions Taken Over - 2 May 1933 All Political Parties Banned - July 1933 Night of the Long Knives29 – 30 June 1934 Death of Hindenburg - 2 August 1934 The Army Oath- August 1934
Before each factor is considered, you need to work as an Advisor to Hitler in making some key decisions
Play Hitler’s Dictatorship Game
How did each factor help Hitler become Fuhrer? USING THE INFORMATION ON PG CREATE A REVISION AID; SPIDER DIAGRAM WITH COLOUR REVISION CARDS TIMELINE BULLET POINTS ACROSTIC Make it stand out with colour and/or illustrations. Pick out Keywords that are important
Lesson Objectives… To understand Hitler’s position in To know the factors that helped Hitler become Fuhrer and establish Germany as a one party state How did Hitler consolidate his power by 1934?
Which was the most important factor in Hitler becoming Fuhrer? Decide on your own, a rating for each factor. 1 is the most important factor 8 is the least important factor You must be able to explain your choices
The Reichstag Fire… On the 27 th February 1933 a Communist was arrested for the Reichstag Fire. The Fire enabled Hitler to persuade President Hindenburg that something drastic had to be done to deal with the Communist threat. Hindenburg passed an emergency law which suspended all rights to freedom of speech, press, liberty and assembly. Hitler and the Nazi Party now had emergency powers to search houses, arrest without trial and give the death penalty. This Decree stayed in place for 12years throughout the period of Nazi rule and formed the legal base for much of the Nazi’s reign of terror. The fire was like a windfall to the Nazi’s. It provided them with the perfect excuse to eliminate opposition whilst strengthening their hold on Germany. So…. Who was to blame?