Federation NDIS Network 17 July 2015 Thank everyone
IDS Industry project 2014/15 The NDIS Industry Readiness – one of the Industry Development Projects 2014-2015 The goal is to support community housing providers to play a significant role in delivery of disability housing Identify the current state of play and emerging issues Explore how emerging disability housing models be scaled up Document policy approaches which may encourage the emergence and scalability of new housing models Continue dialogue between the industry and policy makers and ensure that the industry voice is heard
NDIS and Housing…many unknowns Status of FOI released housing paper unclear ADHC will cease to exist in 2018 – outsourcing of all supports and specialist accommodation FACS is developing their position on the future of “mainstream” and “specialist” service provision It seems no capital fund to procure new housing for NDIS clients Current and projected need for housing (of what type /size /locations/tenures) Separation of “housing” and “supports”; extent of housing choice And many more…
A network? To support the industry influence the NDIS housing agenda: Seek input into relevant research and project work including the options for outsourcing group homes; to scope adaptations and the boundaries between tenancy and support management Identify the costs / benefits of existing housing models Promote the industry to potential investors and partners Develop industry capacity information that demonstrates its advantages over the private sector Regulatory requirements and their assessment
A network? Proposing and assisting the Federation in commissioning relevant projects or research Developing links with other key peak bodies Share experience about day-to-day business; HR capacity; asset; tenancy and support management practice; managing allocations; management of financial and associated risks and design issues Easy forum for consultation by others You design the programme and action plan