SPP Colloquium, 16-Jun-2017, Bremen The Synergetic Analysis of Ionospheric Variability at Mid- and Low-Latitudes Dimitry Pokhotelov, IAP Kühlungsborn Yosuke Yamazaki, GFZ Potsdam Cristoph Jacobi, LIM at Universität Leipzig SPP Colloquium, 16-Jun-2017, Bremen
SPP Colloquium, 16-Jun-2017, Bremen Scientific goals Determine the role of atmospheric forcing in the ionospheric variability at mid- and low-latitudes. Variability of the atmospheric forcing: causes of short-term variability of tides / gravity waves; effects of the tide variability on ionospheric currents. Contribution of high-latitude forcing: ionospheric variability due to the high-latitude forcing; 3D ionospheric current systems due to the disturbance dynamo. Credit: NASA GSFC Synergetic project addressing the following SPP priority topics: Thermosphere / Ionosphere (coupling from above and below); Ionospheric / Magnetospheric Current Systems (variability of FACs); Magnetic Field (effects of the equatorial dynamo on the main field). SPP Colloquium, 16-Jun-2017, Bremen
Illustrations of ionospheric forcing After Scherliess and Fejer, JGR, 1997 Variations in equatorial ionospheric drifts are seen during high-latitude geomagnetic disturbances due to penetrating electric fields (top). Equatorial ionospheric disturbances can also be forced by sharp change in atmospheric dynamics (e.g., SSWs) through tide amplification (right). After Goncharenko, Chau, et al., GRL, 2010 SPP Colloquium, 16-Jun-2017, Bremen
Modelling tools and data WACCM-X: Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model with thermosphere and ionosphere eXtension fully-coupled global atmosphere-thermosphere-ionosphere simulations with various high-latitude forcing; previous and on-going collaborations with NCAR/HAO. KMCM: Kühlungsborn Mechanistic Circulation Model sensitivity studies (tidal forcing, gravity waves parameterisation); coupled with WACCM-X to provide alternative low atmosphere forcing. Satellite datasets Swarm / CHAMP magnetometer data (ionospheric currents); Swarm / CHAMP in-situ ionospheric plasma data; ICON / GOLD data (thermospheric wind / temperature + in-situ electric fields / plasma); COSMIC / COSMIC-2 data (ionospheric density). Ground-based datasets ground magnetometer data (ionospheric currents); MLT radar data (mesospheric winds). SPP Colloquium, 16-Jun-2017, Bremen
Example: climatology of tides Juliusruh semidiurnal tides Meteor radar data, fitted to obtain 12h tidal amplitudes. Altitude, km A12 zonal, m/s “Virtual radar” experiment: 12h tidal amplitudes constructed using KMCM simulation. Altitude, km A12 zonal, m/s Day of the year SPP Colloquium, 16-Jun-2017, Bremen
Example: Ionospheric Sq Current Systems Ground magnetometers 15 May to 22 Jun, 2009 Snapshot at 0200UT Day-to-day variability TIMEGCM/WACCM-X F10.7=70 (const.) Kp=1 (const.) Variable neutral winds SPP Colloquium, 16-Jun-2017, Bremen
SPP Colloquium, 16-Jun-2017, Bremen Partnership Simulations and theory WACCM-X and KMCM simulations are to be done by IAP in collaboration with NCAR/HAO, the analysis is to be done jointly by all partners; 3D ionospheric current systems to be reconstructed by GFZ. Data analysis ground and space magnetometer data to be analysed by GFZ; radar data to be analysed jointly by IAP and LIM; satellite in-situ data and GNSS occultation data (plasma density) to be analysed jointly by IAP and LIM. Benefits to the SPP community expertise in implementing global mesosphere – thermosphere – ionosphere simulations (using WACCM-X and other coupled codes); virtual observatories (virtual “spacecraft” or “radar”) for interpreting observations and model validation. SPP Colloquium, 16-Jun-2017, Bremen