10 Years
scholarly excellence and freedom of research interdisciplinarity The Centre for Advanced Study Sofia (CAS) provides financial and institutional support for post-doctoral qualification and research programmes in the Humanities and the Social Sciences supports individual fellows; initiates and hosts international multidisciplinary projects promotes practical academic collaboration between the countries of Southeast Europe and further abroad Defining priorities: scholarly excellence and freedom of research interdisciplinarity international scholarly cooperation academic independence
The CAS Fellows Ca. 200 Fellowships (2000-2011) 22 countries: 56 % for Bulgarian scholars 44 % for foreign scholars Average age of Fellows: 35 years from 46 universities 14 disciplines: History, Sociology, Anthropology, Philosophy, Cultural Studies, Literature, Linguistics, Policy Studies, Economics, Legal Studies, Journalism and Media Studies, Film Theory, Art History, Arts 22 countries: Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Lithuania, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Turkey, United Kingdom, USA.
Structure Board of Trustees Director Academic Advisory Council Staff 1 Office manager 1 Newsletter editor 3 Project coordinators 1 Financial officer 1 Librarian 1 Accountant Academic Associates Other academic activities workshops and conferences guest-lectures discussion series publications Individual in-residence Fellowships Thematic research projects Public lecture series Related publications
Some figures Personnel Director 3 Academic Associates 7 administrative employees (4 part- time) Total income 2000-2011: over 3 mln. Euro Average annual budget: ca. 350 000 Euro 75 % research 25 % institutional expenses
Partners CAS has working relations with leading Bulgarian and foreign academic institutions, among them: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences the major Bulgarian universities Central European University, Budapest Fribourg University, Switzerland New Europe College, Romania Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, Germany the network of IAS. Main CAS funders Federal Department of Home Affairs, Swiss Confederation Ministry of Science and Research of Austria Zuger Kulturstiftung Landis & Gyr, Zug, Switzerland Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft, Germany America for Bulgaria Foundation Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, USA The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation European Research Council Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, Germany National Science Fund, Bulgaria VolkswagenStiftung, Germany Trust for Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe, Bulgaria
CAS Comparative European Research - I The Sofia Academic NEXUS Project: ‘How to Think about the Balkans: Culture, Region, Identities’ 2000–2003 28 Fellows Regional Identity Discourses in Central and Southeast Europe, 1775 – 1945 2001-2003 7 core-group Fellows and over 40 contributors; 4 volumes (CEU Press, 2006-2012) Roles, Identities and Hybrids: Roles, Identities and Hybrids. Multiple Institutional Cultures in Southeast Europe within the Context of European Unification 2003-2006 26 Fellows; 1 collective volume (Lit Verlag, 2009)
CAS Comparative European Research - II We, The People. Visions of National Peculiarity and Political Modernities in the ‘Europe of Small Nations’ 2004-2006 11 Fellows from Central and Southeast Europe; 1 collective volume (CEU Press, 2009) Negotiating Modernity: History of Modern Political Thought in East-Central Europe 2008-2013 5-year project funded by the European Research Council, programme Ideas: ERC Starting Grants, led by Dr Balázs Trencsényi Regimes of Historicity and Discourses of Modernity and Identity, 1900-1945, in East-Central, Southeast and Northern Europe 2008-2010 3 Senior and 16 Junior Fellows Collective volume under preparation (Palgrave Macmillan, 2012)
CAS Research on the State of Society - I After the Accession… The Socio-Economic Culture of Eastern Europe in the Enlarged Union: An Asset or a Liability? 2002 – 2003 CAS-based Fellows: 10 & DIOSCURI: Eastern Enlargement – Western Enlargement. Cultural Encounters in the European Economy and Society 2004-2007 Fellows: 10; one collective volume Visual Seminar Project 2003 - 2005 9 Fellows
CAS Research on the State of Society - II The Shaken Order: Authority and Social Trust in Post-Communist Societies 2007-2009 13 Fellows SCOPES : Institutionalisation of Scientific Networks and Scholarly Activities for the Promotion of Cross-Cultural and Inter-Disciplinary Approaches on Nationalism in the ‘Europe of Small Nations’ 2005 – 2008 7 Fellows
Advanced Academia Programme for Individual Fellowships since 2009 Module for Bulgarian Scholars, Junior and Senior (supported by the America for Bulgaria Foundation) Module for foreign scholars, Junior and Senior (supported by a donator within the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft) Advanced Academia Public Lecture Series 2011/2012 Call 132 candidates from 34 countries for 15 fellowships
Online Community-Building Projects of CAS Integrated Electronic Database of the PhD Students www.phdgate.net CAS Academic Gateway www.gate.cas.bg Bulgarian Communism: Critical Readings www.red.cas.bg
Other Academic Activities Guest Lecture Series – lectures and seminars of prominent international and Bulgarian scholars. Workshops and conferences Publications – electronic and printed Discussion Series Atelier for Biographical Research History Club Childhood under Socialism Consolidation/ Desintegration of Public Institutions and the Political Process Natural Sciences and Social Worlds Seminar “The Concept of Reflection and Reflexive Approaches in the Humanities and the Social Sciences”
CAS Library and Information Resources ONLINE FULL-TEXT DATABASES: JSTOR http://www.jstor.org/ History E-Book http://www.historyebook.org Questia http://www.questia.com/ EBSCO http://search.epnet.com/ Reference library Vanguard online bibliographical resources Collection of project-related books and periodicals Computer laboratory
10 Years