Allocations Chairman Adam Schibi Treasurer Micah Fabarez Vice President Vivian Agnew
What is Allocations? Allocations is a budget that is comprised of funds collected by students fees. The purpose of allocations is to provide funding for predetermined events and trips for organizations for the following fiscal year (2017-2018).
Who can apply for Allocations? Any FHSU Organization or approved waiver organization qualify for allocations funding. Student organizations requesting funds from SGA must be registered through the Center for Student Involvement or on Tiger[Link].
Is Allocations right for you? Any trip request or speaker/event request under $1000 might be recommended to Appropriations. Any equipment request under $1500 might be recommended to Appropriations. What is Appropriations? Appropriations funding is a limited fund reserve for student organizations that have NOT received funding through Allocations.
Allocations is changing! This year, Student Government is changing the way that student organizations apply for Allocations money. Instead of paper forms, we have moved to an entirely digital process, to create a more efficient system for both those organizations applying for Allocations, and the committee that reviews those applications. Furthermore, this system will store data from this year forward, enabling student organizations the opportunity to keep better records of their finances.
Where do I find the Application…. Visit and click the ‘Get Funding Tab’ Click the link to ‘Allocations’ Click the link to the ‘Allocations Application’ Sign in with your Tiger ID and Password Your access at this point will vary depending on your role within your organization Organization Presidents and Treasurers are able to: Assign roles to organization members (ie, reassign President, Advisor, and Treasurer Roles) Add members to their organization (the entirety of your organization’s roster must be submitted with your application, or the application will not be reviewed) Fill out and Submit an Allocations request Advisors Advisors have view only access Fill out the Organization Information required on the page, and submit your request!
Preliminary Application NOT mandatory, but HIGHLY encouraged Submitted application & budget will be reviewed by Allocations Committee and will provide feedback Applications open Monday, November 21, 2016 Preliminary Deadline: Monday, December 5, 2016 @ 4:30 p.m.
Final Application MANDATORY for all student organizations/waiver groups requesting funds Committee will review request and provide recommendations as well as explain rationale on changes Final Deadline: Friday, February 3, 2017
Budget Hearing Every organization that submits a request must complete a budgetary hearing with the Allocations Committee 15 minutes per organization request submitted Students be prepared to answer questions about your request Know your budget! Faculty member or advisor can be present, but are NOT allowed to speak. All speaking must be done by the student members of the organization/waiver group!
First Reading Not mandatory, but encouraged to attend Student organizations/waiver groups will be able to defend their original request & have a chance to testify in front of the senate. LAST chance to appeal to the Senate. Thursday, March 2, 2017 @ 7:00 p.m. –Black & Gold Room
Second Reading Thursday, March 9, 2017 @ 7:00 p.m.- MU Ballroom MANDATORY for all student organizations/waiver groups At LEAST 1 student representative from each organization (not a member of the student senate) MUST be present. Failure to attend the second reading will result in an organization being zero-funded – NO EXCEPTIONS! Attendance will be taken periodically, so everyone in attendance must stay throughout the ENTIRE process. Thursday, March 9, 2017 @ 7:00 p.m.- MU Ballroom
Personal Gain Allocations will NOT help fund personal gain items Personal gain items are anything considered a reward/gift and is not returned to the organization. This includes: T-shirts, sunglasses, cups, key-chains, lanyards, or anything given out at events Food being sold or given out at events T-shirts, notebooks, pins, or any other item given to members of an organization UNLESS the items are returned to the organization at the end of the school year and are housed on campus; Museum admission, theater tickets, or other admission fees; Any event hosted by an organization that charges attendees admission fees; Contest prizes or gift cards, or trophies or plaques that will not be stored on campus Decorations that will not be stored on campus Items for resale (Example: fundraisers- SGA DOES NOT fund these) Expenditures related to parties or dances Awards Check with SGA Treasurer if you are unsure about a potential personal gain item.
Mini-van (7-passenger) Mileage SGA does not reimburse for the amount of gas spent SGA reimburses the number of miles traveled based off calculation from the State of Kansas on PERSONAL vehicles $0.54 per mile Ex: A trip from Hays to Kansas City is about 270 miles (270 miles X 2) X $0.54 per mile= $291.60 University vehicles charge the following amount: Cars .23 cents/mile + fuel Mini-van (7-passenger) .30 cents/mile + fuel Van (8-passenger) .41 cents/mile + fuel Van (12-passenger)
Office Hours Everyday 8AM – 4:30PM (785) 628 - 5311
Contact Information Chairman Adam Schibi - Treasurer Micah Fabarez – Vice President Vivian Agnew –
Let us know if you have questions! If you are the President or Treasurer of an organization/waiver group and are not able to access your organization’s information; please contact us with the problem as soon as possible!