SW-CMM Level 5 in 2005 NYC SPIN - February 2005 Sandra J. Baptiste
Moving on up to L5 Optimizing Managed Defined Repeatable Initial Emphasis on continuous improvement June 2005 5 Optimizing Process measured and statistically controlled 4 Managed Process characterized for the organization 3 Defined We are Here Process characterized for projects and is often reactive 2 Repeatable Process unpredictable, poorly controlled and reactive 1 Initial
Background Service provider to 1000+ financial firms Front and back office business solutions 3 technology organizations merged w/ different CMM Levels 1000+ developers / 200 project managers - 3 US locations - 1 Chennai location Measurement driven organization Tools oriented organization Successful Global CMM Level 3 assessment in June 2004 3 US sites 1 India site
Moving on up to L5 Why the mad rush When Software CMM sunset hour is December 31, 2005 Not all the KPAs impact the development staff directly Most organizational Level 4 and 5 KPA requirements are satisfied Included Level 4 and Level 5 KPAs in the Level 3 assessment scope Ratings very positive Want to attain SW-CMM Level 5 before converting over to CMMi When Mini assessment April 2005 Final assessment June 2005
What we have in place today Documented processes and procedures Automated toolsets to facilitate process institutionalization Automated toolsets to support data collection and analysis Measurement program - productivity and unit cost Managed by a Certified Function Count Specialist Organizational measurements and baselines Scorecards at the service level to track operational performance Scorecards at the project level to track project performance Effort variance On Time Delivery Early identification of defects Defect prevention
What do we have in place today Incident Management / Root Cause Analysis / Defect Prevention process Pilots in progress Senior management oversight
What we need to do Continue implementation Piloting Mentoring and Coaching Continue institutionalization ============================================== Sandra J Baptiste, MBA,PMP Assistant Vice President Pershing LLC 973.360.2517 sbaptiste@pershing.com