Year Two Parent Information 2017
Resource Scheme Mathletics Spellodrome IXL Literacy Planet Typing Tournament Sunshine Online These are all available to you once you have paid.
General Information Assessment and Reporting Parent interviews – End Term 1 and 3 Report cards – End Term 2 and 4 Student absences You must call the Student Absence line
Eating times Children have 15 minutes to eat lunch in the Year 2 shed (both breaks), before playtime. Healthy food choices are encouraged. Please send in food that is in easy packaging, so that your child can open it on their own. Birthday treats – allergies
Homework Homework book sent home every Monday and is due back on Friday. Fortnightly speaking program. Homework/Communication folder needs to come to school every day please. Verandah library, classroom readers, school library, community library, home Tips: Make homework relaxed and something your child looks forward to. Simple books offer success, confidence and sheer enjoyment. Better to do one book properly, developing vocabulary and comprehension than rush through many books - it is not a race. Children need to be able to read and spell high frequency words. Children need to be able to discuss their reading and their day. Children need to learn basic number facts by heart.
Reading and Viewing QAR- Question Answer Relationship In the book- Individual reading and comprehension tasks structured to individuals needs Reading groups (See your teacher about Parent Helpers) QAR- Question Answer Relationship Teaching children where to seek answers to questions. In the book- Right there- Where do they live? Think and Search- How do you know this person is brave? In your head- Author and Me- Why should people pick up their rubbish? On your own- What do you think it would be like to fly a plane?
ENGLISH Writing and Spelling Speaking and Listening Tasks one focus text type (genre) each term – procedures, narratives, stereotypes and persuasive emphasis on proof reading and editing Year 2 Spelling – differentiated Handwriting: consolidate print script, correct pencil grip, posture and formation. Introduction of entries, exits and cursive Speaking and Listening Tasks short fortnightly presentations - encourage students to prepare class contributions listening for instructions, directions etc.
MATHEMATICS The mathematics curriculum places an emphasis on understanding through doing and investigating. Learning and applying problem solving strategies and mental calculations.
SCIENCE MUSIC LIBRARY AND LOTE (Japanese) Library bag PE Swimming Term 1 and 4 Hat and swimming bag
Thank you