ORIGIN Nemesis has been described as the daughter of Oceanus or Zeus, or child of Erebus and Nyx. She has also been described as the daughter of Nyx alone. Nemesis tried to avoid Zeus. She cleverly turned herself into a goose to hide herself from Zeus and his advances. But, Zeus turned into a swan and successfully mated with her. Nemesis, in her bird form, lays an egg that is discovered in the marshes by a shepherd, who passes the egg to Leda. It is in this way that Leda comes to be the mother of Helen of Troy, as she kept the egg in a chest until it hatched. It has been said that Nemesis is older than Zeus because her pictures resemble Goddesses like Rhea.
POWERS Goddess of divine retribution – good or bad Nemesis was considered the justice bearer. She did not want a person to be “too good” or “too bad”. She wanted them to have equal parts When she saw they were “too” much of either, she showered down her justice Narcissus was extremely handsome and knew it. He would treat others not as beautiful as him (everybody) horribly. Nemesis lured him to a pond, making him believe he would see the most beautiful person he had ever seen. He looked in the pond, saw himself, and fell in love…with himself. He never left that spot and died – still looking at his reflection
Personality Traits Nemesis was well respected and rarely chose sides. She was always on the side of justice and tried to make sure that everyone followed the laws.
Human Characteristics As much as she was respected, she did NOT like Echo and Narcissus She always curses those with countless gifts/blessings
Demise Goddess Nemesis never really died. She is normally viewed as someone’s enemy…the person/thing that causes stress or strife in your life when all else is good Nemesis the word means the inescapable agent of someone's or something's downfall.