The End Times Review of the N.T. teaching on the end times The N.T. teaches that the second coming, resurrection, and judgment will occur together at the end of time John 5 – Resurrection and judgment I Thess. 4 – Coming and resurrection II Thess. 1 – Coming and judgment II Peter 3 – Coming and judgment Red flag about end times teaching – I Thessalonians 5:1-6 > Is it trying to anticipate or predict the coming of Christ? New Testament Doctrine Class The End Times
The most popular view among conservative The most popular view among conservative protestant groups – Premillennialism {before 1,000} * 2nd coming of Christ will occur before His 1,000 yr. rule on earth New Testament Doctrine Class The End Times
[ Church Age ] The Premillennial View of the End Times The dead saved are resurrected and taken to heaven with living saved Saints in heaven Christ Ascended Rapture Heaven 1st Coming of Christ Christ returns Christ’s 1000 yr. reign on earth -Kingdom Great Tribulation: 7 yrs. Anti-Christ appears All Jews return to Palestine Jews converted to Christ [ Church Age ] Judgment Armageddon Hell
The End Times The major problems with Premillennialism - Use of scripture: Failure to harmonize related passages - I Thess. 4:14-17 II Thess. 5:7-10 John 5:28-29 Literalizing of symbolic language – Rev. 20:1-3 New Testament Doctrine Class The End Times
The End Times The major problems with Premillennialism - Failure to recognize that Christ’s kingdom already has come and that its nature is spiritual Mark 9:1 Acts 2:30-33 Colossians 1:13-14 New Testament Doctrine Class The End Times
The End Times The major problems with Premillennialism - Misconception of Israel in God’s plan of salvation His nation promises are already fulfilled (O.T.) Today the people of God are all those in Christ - Galatians 3:26-29 New Testament Doctrine Class The End Times