Prayer Acts 12:1-5, 12
To Whom to Pray Not to Jesus, but through Him – John 14:1-6 He is our mediator Not to the Spirit, although the Spirit also helps us – Rom. 8:26-28 We pray to God the Father as Jesus did and the apostles did – Col. 1:1-4
What to Pray Thankfulness Supplication – Eph. 6:17-19 Not only for the saints; for our leaders as well – 1 Tim. 2:1-3 Repenting and asking for forgiveness – Acts 8:21-23 Asking for strength, wisdom, etc.
How to Pray With no doubt – James 1:5-7 With purpose, not going through the motions – Matt. 6:5-15 Be able to say, “Amen” Always – 1 Thess. 5:17
Conclusion Prayer is part of how we communicate with God. You are to do this individually, but it is also a part of our worship, how we glorify God. When we pray together, are you praying with the assembly? Are your prayers hindered? Let us pray without ceasing!