Funding presentation Ashley Reynolds & Jaime R. Lemus WELCOME Funding presentation Ashley Reynolds & Jaime R. Lemus
Existing Funding Sources Statewide $28 million in AQIP Local Sacramento Emergency Clean Air Transportation (SECAT) Program $3 million annually in CMAQ funding Low Emission Vehicle Incentive Program $4 million annually in Carl Moyer funding $2 million annually in DMV surcharge funding AB 923 funding in El Dorado, Placer & Yolo-Solano
State Funding Sources AB 134 AB 1274 SB 132 $85 million for agricultural projects $140 million for zero and near zero freight $180 million for HVIP ($35 million for transit) $140 million for CVRP $255 million for AB 617 Community Air Protection Increase Carl Moyer Program by $52 million annually statewide Existing funding is about $65 million annually Sacramento currently receives about $4 million annually $50 million for Zero & Near Zero Emission Warehouse Program
Potential Impact to Sacramento Category Bill Projects Estimated Sacramento Regional Amount Agriculture AB 134 Tractors, Pump Electrification $2 – 9 million Zero Emission Freight Vouchers Freight Equipment $1 million HVIP (Truck Vouchers) Low Emission Large Trucks $5 – 11 million HVIP (Transit Bus Vouchers) Zero Emission Transit Buses $0 – 2 million CVRP Advanced Technology Cars $4 – 8 million EFMP & Clean Mobility Clean Car Share & Replacement $3 – 4 million Community Air Protection (Moyer) Trucks, off road diesel, marine, infrastructure $2 – 5 million Zero & Near Zero Emission Freight Facilities in DAC SB 132 TRU’s and electrical infrastructure, hydrogen forklifts $3 million Increase in Carl Moyer AB 1274 Ag tractors, trucks, buses, infrastructure, locomotives
Funding for California ZEV Investment Commitment Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement $800 million to be spent in California over 10 years by VW $200 million every 30 months (2.5yrs) Investments may include: Planning and Infrastructure Brand Neutral Education and Outreach Programs and Actions to Increase public exposure or access to Zero Emission Vehicles Sacramento Green City To reduce NOx emissions $422,636,320 to be distributed in California Possible Funding can include Class 8 Local Freight Tracks and Port Drayage Trucks Class 4-8 School Bus, Shuttle Bus, or Transit Bus Freight Switchers Ferries/Tugs Ocean Going Vessels Shore power Class 4-7 Local Freight Trucks (Medium Trucks) Airport Ground Support Equipment Forklifts and Port Cargo Handling Equipment Light Duty ZEV Supply Equipment Diesel Emission Reduction Act
VW – Potential Regional Investment Appendix C 2.0L Consent Decree Zero emission vehicle fueling infrastructure Approximately $9 million per year for Sacramento Region (10 years) Sacramento designated as a Green City Appendix D 2.0L & 3.0L Consent Decree NOx Mitigation Projects replacing trucks, buses, locomotives, and other equipment Approximately $7 million per year for Sacramento region (3 years) Additional Mitigation 3.0L Consent Decree Funding zero emission vehicle (ZEV) aspects of vehicle replacement programs Approximately $3 million for Sacramento region (one time allocation)
$41-71 Million ESTIMATED AMOUNT FOR SACRAMENTO REGION LOW CARBON TRANSPORTATION (Existing funding is currently about $9 Million ) $41-71 Million