Spelling Words Unusual Spellings
crescent language vehicle exhibit examine Michigan parachute unique conquer rhyme penguin exertion exotic brochure symptom antique exhausted heirloom rhinoceros bureau hygiene chauffeur ricochet chandelier chalet
Principal Parts of Regular Verbs Grammar Principal Parts of Regular Verbs
gary breathed a sigh of relief, at the sight of the rescue veehicle Gary breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of the rescue vehicle. darla had consider a train trip but she decided to fly Darla had considered a train trip, but she decided to fly.
Principal Parts of Regular Verbs The steel had nicked into the edge of one of the darker stone pieces. The verb phrase had nicked combines the participle of the verb nick with a form of have.
Principal Parts of Regular Verbs Verbs in the past tense show action that has already happened. Most verbs in the past tense end in –ed. The flowers in the vase wilted after two days.
Principal Parts of Regular Verbs A verb’s tenses are made from four basic forms. The basic forms are called the verb’s principal parts. A regular verb forms its past and past participle by adding –ed or –d to the present form. Present Present Participle Past Past Participle walk (is, are) walking walked (has, have, had) walked study (is, are) studying studied (has, have, had) studied
Principal Parts of Regular Verbs When a verb ends with a consonant and y, change the y to i before adding –ed: cried. When a one-syllable verb ends with a vowel and consonant, double the consonant before adding –ed: hopped.
Principal Parts of Regular Verbs The present and the past form can be used by themselves as verbs. The present participle and the past participle are always used with a helping verb. When a verb ends with a consonant and y, change the y to i before adding –ed: cried.
Principal Parts of Regular Verbs Identify the principal part used to form the underlined verb. The porcupine terrified the young boy. past Brian is pouring the water onto the flames. present participle Wendy had wished for an early spring. past participle
Principal Parts of Regular Verbs Identify the principal part used to form the underlined verb. Jack saves his strength. present The sun warmed his back. past The rescue pilots are searching the area every day. present participle
Principal Parts of Regular Verbs Identify the principal part used to form the underlined verb. Marian carries the supplies by herself. present The hikers had settled into a daily routine. past participle
Principal Parts of Regular Verbs Identify the principal part used to form the underlined verb. The hungry flames are licking up the dry bark. present participle He hammered the rock with the flat end of his hatchet. past
Principal Parts of Regular Verbs Identify the verb in each sentence and decide if it is present, present participle, past, or past participle. The mammoth oak tree is shading us from the burning sun. is shading, present participle Diana strapped the parachute on before take-off. strapped, past
Principal Parts of Regular Verbs Identify the verb in each sentence and decide if it is present, present participle, past, or past participle. Dawn has cooked us supper on an open fire. has cooked, past participle Our fox terrier barks at every squirrel and rabbit. barks, present
Principal Parts of Regular Verbs Identify the verb in each sentence and decide if it is present, present participle, past, or past participle. Brad wanted a quiet vacation away from the telephone. wanted, past
Spelling Words Unusual Spellings
crescent language vehicle exhibit examine Michigan parachute unique conquer rhyme penguin exertion exotic brochure symptom antique exhausted heirloom rhinoceros bureau hygiene chauffeur ricochet chandelier chalet
Principal Parts of Regular Verbs Grammar Principal Parts of Regular Verbs
blake felt ill and he was showing simptoms of dehydration Blake felt ill, and he was showing symptoms of dehydration. wilderness camping was a unieque experience for uncle ken Wilderness camping was a unique experience for Uncle Ken.
Principal Parts of Regular Verbs The verb’s tenses are formed from its principal parts. Some principal parts of a verb are the present, past, and past participle. A regular verb forms its past and past participle by adding –ed or –d to the present form. Have, has, had, and shall have show perfect tenses.
Spelling Words Unusual Spellings
crescent language vehicle exhibit examine Michigan parachute unique conquer rhyme penguin exertion exotic brochure symptom antique exhausted heirloom rhinoceros bureau hygiene chauffeur ricochet chandelier chalet
Principal Parts of Regular Verbs Grammar Principal Parts of Regular Verbs
from the plane emily gazed at lake michigans coastline sally wondered why the broshure was written in french Sally wondered why the brochure was written in French.
Principal Parts of Regular Verbs The verb’s tenses are formed from its principal parts. Some principal parts of a verb are the present, past, and past participle. A regular verb forms its past and past participle by adding –ed or –d to the present form. Have, has, had, and shall have show perfect tenses.
Principal Parts of Regular Verbs The tense of a helping verb shows the time of the action. Is and are show present tense, while has, have, and had show past tense. The tense of the helping verb should match the tense of any other verb in the sentence. Present Tense: Brian is walking home because the bus is late. Past Tense: Braid had walked home because the bus was late.
Spelling Words Unusual Spellings
crescent language vehicle exhibit examine Michigan parachute unique conquer rhyme penguin exertion exotic brochure symptom antique exhausted heirloom rhinoceros bureau hygiene chauffeur ricochet chandelier chalet
Principal Parts of Regular Verbs Grammar Principal Parts of Regular Verbs
trevor watched the clouds creep across the cresent moon Trevor watched the clouds creep across the crescent moon. is valerie and aaron picking berrys or walnuts Is Valerie and Aaron picking berries or walnuts?
Principal Parts of Regular Verbs The verb’s tenses are formed from its principal parts. Some principal parts of a verb are the present, past, and past participle. A regular verb forms its past and past participle by adding –ed or –d to the present form. Have, has, had, and shall have show perfect tenses.
Principal Parts of Regular Verbs Test Tip: Do not use of when you mean have. Incorrect: Lucy should of gone. Correct: Lucy should have gone. Remember that could, should, and would are usually followed by either have and the past participle of a verb or the present tense form alone.
Spelling Words Unusual Spellings
crescent language vehicle exhibit examine Michigan parachute unique conquer rhyme penguin exertion exotic brochure symptom antique exhausted heirloom rhinoceros bureau hygiene chauffeur ricochet chandelier chalet
Posters/Announcement How might you inform other classes in the school about an upcoming event? A announcement makes information known to the general public. A poster is a type of announcement that gives specific answers to the questions Who? What? When? Where? Why? and How? This information is sometimes given in the form of a schedule of events.
Principal Parts of Regular Verbs Grammar Principal Parts of Regular Verbs
remember too take your compass or you may get lost Remember to take your compass, or you may get lost. when i was in brazil i bought this waterproof watch When I was in Brazil, I bought this waterproof watch.
Principal Parts of Regular Verbs The verb’s tenses are formed from its principal parts. Some principal parts of a verb are the present, past, and past participle. A regular verb forms its past and past participle by adding –ed or –d to the present form. Have, has, had, and shall have show perfect tenses.
Spelling Words Unusual Spellings
crescent language vehicle exhibit examine Michigan parachute unique conquer rhyme penguin exertion exotic brochure symptom antique exhausted heirloom rhinoceros bureau hygiene chauffeur ricochet chandelier chalet