Freight Electric Vehicles in Urban Europe: towards zero emission deliveries at your doorstep Milan, 1-2 October 2015
INTRODUCTION Tandem supports (with dedicated surveys, studies and assessments) public and private companies that have the need to analyze the impact of their activities on mobility and traffic, and consequently on the various sectors on which the mobility affects (health and safety, economy, environment, energy).
PARTNERSHIP Tandem joined the FR-Evue Project in order to put its transport experience and expertise in a sector (the pharmaceutical supply chain) not yet surveyed in its previous activities. Moreover, Tandem is interested in a comprehensive cooperation with the subjects that manage transport topics in Milan area, with a look to the European context.
TANDEM ACTIVITIES Tandem will develop these activities for FR-Evue project: Nearly 60 pharmacies Surveying data from a sample of pharmacies inside Area C, in order to get information on typical behaviours for their logistic operations (number of deliveries, goods category, transport carrier, etc). Monitoring data from the test vehicle used in the experimental phase, in terms of mileage, delivery operations, energy consumption, timetables, and other performance indicators.
FIRST RESULTS Pharmacies: main characteristics Pharmacy dimensions: sales area & n° of products (range) Turnover share: suppliers (range) (range A) (range B) Turnover share: goods category (range) (range A) (range B)
FIRST RESULTS Deliveries: wholesalers Daily deliveries Daily carriers (range) Daily carriers (range) Number of carriers (n° total)
FIRST RESULTS Deliveries: manufacturers Monthly deliveries (range) Number of manufacturers (range & n° total) Number of carriers (range & n° total) Average packages (value)
NEXT STEPS During the test phase, Tandem will analyze operational data of the vehicle used for deliveries, in order to get performance indicators that will drive future choices for the final system setup.
CONCLUSIONS The FR-Evue project proposes a new mode of delivery for the pharmaceutical supply chain in sensitive areas (Area C in Milan), with the use of zero-emission vehicles and through the rationalization of logistics flows. Tandem supports the test phase providing more information on pharmaceutical logistics in Area C (via a survey) and monitoring the operational performances of the delivery vehicle (analyzing GPS and logistic data). The comparison between Milan and other cities will enhance the results and the management of the whole project.
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