Adult Colouring Book
Goal: exploration of line, how to create emphasis in field of unified value, contour drawing, exploration of value fields through hatching and cross hatching. Look at the samples provided and decide what techniques are being used by the artist to create the art. Some ideas would be:
Assignment: Using a pre-existing images create an adult coloring book. Your image should meet be a photograph, you will reduce its detail and decide which forms you wish to include in the final image. This is an adult colouring book so complexity is not a problem. Directions: Use one single page of sketchbook paper 8x11. Draw your image or lines very lightly with pencil to begin, darken them later with a fine sharpie or other darker ink.
2 3 4 5 Specific instructions for project. Use lines to create value i.e cross hatching, hatching etc. Shapes are used to define objects, Weight of lines is used deliberately Shapes are enclosed to allow colouring Communication of Concept Images have been adapted or used in a new creative way. Ideas and images are not cliché. innovative and/or unique: avoids clichés, triteness and immature imagery and ideas. Communicates intended meaning clearly Imagery is poetic Composition - Composition uses the entire area available image is balanced -Deliberate movement of eye -Clear points of emphasis - unity through use of pattern, rhythm, Craft/Technical Skill - Craft is excellent, techniques taught are used, - artistic “eye” is clear. - attention to detail is excellent, - piece shows clear, - Student’ technical skill/mastery of media is excellent according to goals of assignment (e.g. realism, abstraction, expressionism) - Use of materials may be innovative