Ceramic Basics Slab
Slab Roll, pat, and flatten sheets of clay. “Pancake” the clay on a sheet of paper after wedging works well for this technique.
Template It is always a good idea to draw and construct a paper template first so your pieces will be the right shape a size.
Thickness No less than ¼ of an inch and no thicker than an inch. The ½ inch rule is good for beginners.
Tips Put a sheet of scrap paper on top of the clay when rolling to prevent sticking. Place boards on top of large sheets of clay to prevent twisting when it dries. (Like tiles. Remember to score clay at the joints and apply slip so they will stay together. (Works best if premixed slip is applied and clay is pulled across the joints.) Use balled up paper towels for support.
Create Once you have your sheets of clay you can cut, twist and fold to create shapes. Hint: Sometimes you will need to let the clay dry a little until is becomes “leather hard” so it will have a little more stability during the construction phase.
Stamped designs
Slab Examples Simple Box
For boxes with a lid, allow the lid to dry on the box after cutting so it will shrink at the same rate and fit later.
Other Vessels
Slab Mask
Slab Project In your sketchbook design a vase or box. It may be square/rectangular, or round, or some other shape. Create a pattern for your slab pieces. Be sure to measure accurately! Use a ruler! Roll out your slabs on a canvas using the techniques you learned from the demo. Using your pattern, cut your pieces out of the slab. You may add texture at this stage. Be careful not to press too hard, or your pieces will become stretched out, and not fit together well. If you desire to miter your edges, cut the connecting edges at a 45 degree angle. Wrap your pieces and allow them to sit overnight. Score the connecting edges and apply slip. Press the pieces together. Use a small coil of clay in the joints to blend the pieces together. If you build a lid, allow the lid to dry on the piece so that they will fit. Put a piece of plastic or paper between the lid and vessel so they do not stick together. Remove it when the piece is leatherhard.