Unit 3 Week 3 Anansi Goes Fishing Writing Conventions
Day 1 Anansi Goes Fishing Writing Conventions
Verbs for Past, Present, and Future Conventions Verbs for Past, Present, and Future
Verbs for Past, Present, and Future Conventions Verbs for Past, Present, and Future
Verbs for Past, Present, and Future Conventions Verbs for Past, Present, and Future
Conventions Journals Imagine that you are traveling on the Mayflower. How are you feeling? Write a journal entry that describes your journey. November 14, 2016 Dear Journal, They year is 1620, and my family and I are traveling aboard the Mayflower. ______________
Day 2 Anansi Goes Fishing Writing Conventions
Verbs for Past, Present, and Future Conventions Verbs for Past, Present, and Future
Find the verb. Tell when the action happens. Conventions Find the verb. Tell when the action happens.
Verbs for Past, Present, and Future On Your Own Page 223 Conventions Verbs for Past, Present, and Future
Conventions Journals Imagine that you jump into a pile of leaves, and find something interesting. What do you find? What do you do next? November 15, 2016 Dear Journal, I jumped into a pile of leaves, and found _________________________________________.
Day 3 Anansi Goes Fishing Writing Conventions
Verbs for Past, Present, and Future Conventions Verbs for Past, Present, and Future
Day 4 Anansi Goes Fishing Writing Conventions
Verbs for Past, Present, and Future Conventions Verbs for Past, Present, and Future
Verbs for Past, Present, and Future BrainPopJr. Game Conventions Verbs for Past, Present, and Future
Verbs for Past, Present, and Future On Your Own Page 228 Conventions Verbs for Past, Present, and Future
Conventions Journals If you could invite any guest to your house for Thanksgiving, who would it be? Why did you choose this person? November 17, 2016 Dear Journal, I would love to celebrate Thanksgiving with _________________________________________.
Day 5 Anansi Goes Fishing Writing Conventions
Verbs for Past, Present, and Future Conventions Verbs for Past, Present, and Future
Quiz Conventions
Conventions Journals Thanksgiving is a time we think about how thankful we are for the people and things that are special in our lives. Write about who and what you are thankful for. November 18, 2016 Dear Journal, I am so thankful for __________________ _________________________________________.