Getting Involved at Northridge!
Why should you join a club? Competitions! Region and State National competitions in other states! Socials! Free food! Make new friends Scholarship and Job Opportunities Looks good on applications
Career and Technical StudentOrganizations FBLA- Mrs. Bell (C203) DECA- Mr. Shaffer (C102) HOSA- Mrs. Jeppesen (C218) FCCLA- Mrs. Lucas (C231) TSA: Mr. Moreno (A112) SkillsUSA: Mr. Stevenson (A115)
Academic Clubs Honor Society- Mr. Peterson (C215) Chemistry Club—Mrs. S. Howell (C132) MESA: Mr. Harris (A107)
Non-Curricular Clubs GSA: Mr. Seiter (B203) Roundtable Readers: Mrs. Campbell (Media Center) Young Democrats: Ms. Arango (C206) The Helpers: Mrs. Woiwode (C212) Swing Dance: Ms. Webberley (C235) Multi-Cultural Club: Mrs. Campbell (Media Center) Men’s Volleyball Mr. Rawlings (C236) Student 2 Student Mrs. Campbell (Media Center)
There is still time for you to start your own club There is still time for you to start your own club! If you have a great idea for a club, pick up an application in the Main Office. See Mrs. Andersen in room C224 for more information. Deadline for new clubs is September 19th .
Make the most of your high school years by getting involved at Northridge!