Civil Engineering Construction Technology and Organization CASE 3 : Multi-storey building VIA / TCU 5th semester workshop Civil Engineering Construction Technology and Organization VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop 1
CASE 3 : Multi-storey building VIA / TCU 5th semester workshop VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop 2
CASE 3 : Multi-storey building VIA / TCU 5th semester workshop VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop 3
CASE 3 : Multi-storey building VIA / TCU 5th semester workshop Case description – 5’th semester You group is one of the following trade contractors: Soilwork, facade, roof, balconies, staircases, wall elements or storey partision. The group have been handled out this project, and will be in charge of 1 trade. Your offer for the trade will be sent to a main contractor, who will collect the prices for the client. The client wants the price for your trade (with your CM) and your suggestion to a building site plan inclusive health and safety considerations. As final he also wants your to make a time schedule for the work you’ll do at the site. What will you start with? Look and scrutinize the project material Group planning VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop 4
CASE 3 : Multi-storey building VIA / TCU 5th semester workshop Make a scrutiny the project. Look at the plans, sections Details Descriptions – (are not in the project) VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop 5
CASE 3 : Multi-storey building VIA / TCU 5th semester workshop Choose a part of the construction: Story partition Wall elements Staircases Balconies Roof Facades Earthmoving Find the extent of your part of the project. VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop 6
CASE 3 : Multi-storey building VIA / TCU 5th semester workshop What you are going to do for the exam later this week: 1. Plan the tasks for your group for the week 2. Choose a construction (trade) for the building 3. WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) for the trade 4. Take out quantities 5. Calculate a price for the quantities (materials) 6. Plan the process/time schedule 7. Calculate a price for the MH 8. Do you need special tools or/and machines? 9. Calculate a price for the tools and machines 10. Make a building site plan, inclusive H and S on site 11. On VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop 7
CASE 3 : Multi-storey building VIA / TCU 5th semester workshop VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop 8
CASE 3 : Multi-storey building VIA / TCU 5th semester workshop The exam the 21/9 and 22/9: Each group has 10 min to show and tell what they have done. Topics: WBS Taking out quantities (materials, MH and machines) The time schedule The price for your trade Group order/list: List with group order and time is coming later VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop 9