Understanding the Basics of Pharmacology
Pharmacology Study of drugs that alter body functions Generic name: chemical name Brand name /Trade name
Pharmacokinetics Body’s affect on drug Absorption: incorporating drug into body Distribution: transport to tissues Metabolism: inactivation of drug Excretion: elimination of drug
Half -Life Time total amount of drug diminishes by one half Loading dose: larger dose given rapidly to reach therapeutic level quickly
Pharmacodynamics How drugs produce physiologic actions Drug action: interaction between drug and cellular components Drug effect: response from drug action
Receptors Are located on the cell Are proteins, enzymes, nucleic acids Drug-receptor interaction can modify: cell function /rate of function
Ion Channel Effects May be opened or closed Causing ions to move in or out of cell Produces cell excitation or inhibition
Drug Action Influenced by receptor type, location, number of sites Affinity : Binding to given receptor site Efficacy: After binding, initiates activity
Agonists May stimulate cell function Produce effects similar to natural effects
Antagonist Inhibits cell function by occupying receptor sites