1 UNC, Stat & OR SAMSI OODA Workshop SAMSI OODA Workshop Dyck path correspondence and the statistical analysis of Brain vascular networks Shankar Bhamidi, J.S.Marron, Dan Shen, Haipeng Shen UNC Chapel Hill September 14, 2009
2 UNC, Stat & OR Overview of today’s talk (Very) Brief introduction to the data Dyck path or Harris correspondence between trees and functions Modern theory of random trees Exploratory Data Analysis and implications Open problems: some incoherent thoughts Modeling aspects: Natural probability models of spatial trees? (ISE) Other datasets of trees?
3 UNC, Stat & OR Basic take home messages Last decade has witnessed an explosion in the study of Random tree models in the probability community Many different techniques, universality results Many interesting spatial models Probability Large amount of data from many fields Biology (brain networks, lung pathways); Phylogenetics; “Actual trees” (root pathways) Amazing challenges at all levels (modeling, probabilistic analysis, statistical methodology, data analysis) Statistics
4 UNC, Stat & OR Data Background Motivating Example: From Dr. Elizabeth Bullitt Dept. of Neurosurgery, UNC Blood Vessel Trees in Brains Segmented from MRAs Study population of trees Forest of Trees
5 UNC, Stat & OR Strongly Non-Euclidean Spaces Trees as Data Objects From Graph Theory: Graph is set of nodes and edges Tree has root and direction and leaves
6 UNC, Stat & OR Blood vessel tree data From MRA Segment tree vessel segments Using tube tracking Bullitt and Aylward (2002)
7 UNC, Stat & OR Goal understand population properties: PCA: Main sources of variation in the data? Interpretation? (e.g. age, gender, occupation?) Discrimination / Classification Prediction Models of spatial trees?
8 UNC, Stat & OR Dyck path Correspondence for one tree Tree 1
9 UNC, Stat & OR Dyck path Correspondence for one tree Tree 1
10 UNC, Stat & OR Dyck path Correspondence for one tree Tree 1
11 UNC, Stat & OR Dyck path Correspondence for one tree Tree 1
12 UNC, Stat & OR Dyck path Correspondence for one tree Tree 1
13 UNC, Stat & OR Dyck path Correspondence for one tree Tree 1
14 UNC, Stat & OR Dyck path Correspondence for one tree Tree 1
15 UNC, Stat & OR Dyck path Correspondence for one tree Tree 1
16 UNC, Stat & OR Dyck path Correspondence for one tree Tree 1
17 UNC, Stat & OR Dyck Path correspondence continued One of the foremost methods in probability for analysis of random trees. Tremendous array of random tree models arising from many different fields e.g. CS, phylogenetics, mathematics, statistical physics Consider a “random tree” on n vertices Rescale each edge by some factor (turns out 1/√n is the right factor) What happens?
18 UNC, Stat & OR Central Result Theorem [Aldous 90’s]: For many (most?) of the known models of random trees the Dyck path converges to standard Brownian Excursion. This also implies that the trees themselves converge to a random metric space (random fractal) called the Continuum random tree. Shall come back to this when we look at the spatial aspect.
19 UNC, Stat & OR Basic intuition Where does one get such results? Harris: Consider a branching process with geometric (1/2) offspring This model is “critical” (mean # of offspring=1) Condition on size of the tree when the branching process dies out to be n. Consider the Dyck path of this tree Has same distribution as a simple random walk started at 0, coming back to 0 at time 2(n-1) and always above the orign otherwise
20 UNC, Stat & OR In pictures
21 UNC, Stat & OR In pictures
22 UNC, Stat & OR In pictures
23 UNC, Stat & OR In pictures
24 UNC, Stat & OR Our data Have data on a number of trees Dyck path transformation for all of them Exploratory Data Analysis
25 UNC, Stat & OR Example 1, Assume that we have three following tree data Tree 1 Tree 2 Tree 3
26 UNC, Stat & OR Support tree: union of three tree Tree 1 Tree 2 Tree 3 Tree 1
27 UNC, Stat & OR Support tree: union of three tree Tree 1 Tree 2 Tree 3 Tree 1,2
28 UNC, Stat & OR Support tree: union of three tree Tree 1 Tree 2 Tree 3 Tree 1,2,3
29 UNC, Stat & OR Now, we show how to transform the first tree as curve. Tree 1/ Support Tree
30 UNC, Stat & OR Now, we show how to transform the first tree as curve. Tree 1/ Support Tree
31 UNC, Stat & OR Now, we show how to transform the first tree as curve. Tree 1/ Support Tree
32 UNC, Stat & OR Now, we show how to transform the first tree as curve. Tree 1/ Support Tree
33 UNC, Stat & OR Now, we show how to transform the first tree as curve. Tree 1/ Support Tree
34 UNC, Stat & OR Now, we show how to transform the first tree as curve. Tree 1/ Support Tree
35 UNC, Stat & OR Now, we show how to transform the first tree as curve. Tree 1/ Support Tree
36 UNC, Stat & OR Now, we show how to transform the first tree as curve. Tree 1/ Support Tree
37 UNC, Stat & OR Now, we show how to transform the first tree as curve. Tree 1/ Support Tree
38 UNC, Stat & OR Now, we show how to transform the first tree as curve. Tree 1/ Support Tree
39 UNC, Stat & OR Now, we show how to transform the first tree as curve. Tree 1/ Support Tree
40 UNC, Stat & OR Now, we show how to transform the second tree as curve. Tree 2/ Support Tree
41 UNC, Stat & OR Now, we show how to transform the second tree as curve. Tree 2/ Support Tree
42 UNC, Stat & OR Now, we show how to transform the second tree as curve. Tree 2/ Support Tree
43 UNC, Stat & OR Now, we show how to transform the second tree as curve. Tree 2/ Support Tree
44 UNC, Stat & OR Now, we show how to transform the second tree as curve. Tree 2/ Support Tree
45 UNC, Stat & OR Now, we show how to transform the second tree as curve. Tree 2/ Support Tree
46 UNC, Stat & OR Now, we show how to transform the second tree as curve. Tree 2/ Support Tree
47 UNC, Stat & OR Now, we show how to transform the second tree as curve. Tree 2/ Support Tree
48 UNC, Stat & OR Now, we show how to transform the second tree as curve. Tree 2/ Support Tree
49 UNC, Stat & OR Now, we show how to transform the second tree as curve. Tree 2/ Support Tree
50 UNC, Stat & OR Now, we show how to transform the second tree as curve. Tree 2/ Support Tree
51 UNC, Stat & OR Now, we show how to transform the third tree as curve. Tree 3/ Support Tree
52 UNC, Stat & OR Now, we show how to transform the third tree as curve. Tree 3/ Support Tree
53 UNC, Stat & OR Now, we show how to transform the third tree as curve. Tree 3/ Support Tree
54 UNC, Stat & OR Now, we show how to transform the third tree as curve. Tree 3/ Support Tree
55 UNC, Stat & OR Now, we show how to transform the third tree as curve. Tree 3/ Support Tree
56 UNC, Stat & OR Now, we show how to transform the third tree as curve. Tree 3/ Support Tree
57 UNC, Stat & OR Now, we show how to transform the third tree as curve. Tree 3/ Support Tree
58 UNC, Stat & OR Now, we show how to transform the third tree as curve. Tree 3/ Support Tree
59 UNC, Stat & OR Now, we show how to transform the third tree as curve. Tree 3/ Support Tree
60 UNC, Stat & OR Now, we show how to transform the third tree as curve. Tree 3/ Support Tree
61 UNC, Stat & OR Now, we show how to transform the third tree as curve. Tree 3/ Support Tree
62 UNC, Stat & OR Advantages of this encoding If we are only interested in topological aspects then mathematically this is reasonable Main reason: Suppose f, g are encodings of two trees, s and t, then the sup norm between the two functions bounds the Gromov-Haussdorf distance However a number of issues as well
63 UNC, Stat & OR Actual Data
64 UNC, Stat & OR Raw Brain Data - Zoomed
65 UNC, Stat & OR Raw Brain Data - Zoomed
66 UNC, Stat & OR Some Brain Data Points (as corresponding trees)
67 UNC, Stat & OR Some Brain Data Points (as corresponding trees)
68 UNC, Stat & OR Some Brain Data Points (as corresponding trees)
69 UNC, Stat & OR Some Brain Data Points (as corresponding trees)
70 UNC, Stat & OR Some Brain Data Points (as corresponding trees)
71 UNC, Stat & OR Some Brain Data Points (as corresponding trees)
72 UNC, Stat & OR Data Representation- Youngest
73 UNC, Stat & OR Data Representation- oldest
74 UNC, Stat & OR Average Tree-Curve and picture of the average tree
75 UNC, Stat & OR Illust’n of PCA View: PC1 Projections
76 UNC, Stat & OR PCA Pictures of trees that we get when we move in PC1 direction
77 UNC, Stat & OR PCA Pictures of trees that we get when we move in PC1 direction
78 UNC, Stat & OR PCA Pictures of trees that we get when we move in PC1 direction
79 UNC, Stat & OR PCA Pictures of trees that we get when we move in PC1 direction
80 UNC, Stat & OR PCA Pictures of trees that we get when we move in PC1 direction
81 UNC, Stat & OR PCA Pictures of trees that we get when we move in PC1 direction
82 UNC, Stat & OR PCA Pictures of trees that we get when we move in PC1 direction
83 UNC, Stat & OR PCA Pictures of trees that we get when we move in PC1 direction
84 UNC, Stat & OR PCA Pictures of trees that we get when we move in PC1 direction
85 UNC, Stat & OR PCA Pictures of trees that we get when we move in PC2 direction
86 UNC, Stat & OR PCA Pictures of trees that we get when we move in PC2 direction
87 UNC, Stat & OR PCAPictures of trees that we get when we move in PC2 direction
88 UNC, Stat & OR PCA Pictures of trees that we get when we move in PC2 direction
89 UNC, Stat & OR PCA Pictures of trees that we get when we move in PC2 direction
90 UNC, Stat & OR PCA Pictures of trees that we get when we move in PC2 direction
91 UNC, Stat & OR PCA Pictures of trees that we get when we move in PC2 direction
92 UNC, Stat & OR PCAPictures of trees that we get when we move in PC2 direction
93 UNC, Stat & OR PCAPictures of trees that we get when we move in PC2 direction
94 UNC, Stat & OR DWD
95 UNC, Stat & OR DWD
96 UNC, Stat & OR DWD
97 UNC, Stat & OR DWD
98 UNC, Stat & OR DWD
99 UNC, Stat & OR DWD
100 UNC, Stat & OR DWD
101 UNC, Stat & OR DWD
102 UNC, Stat & OR DWD
103 UNC, Stat & OR DWD/relabeling random relabeling: Suppose we randomly relabel each tree as male or female. How does the DWD direction behave?
104 UNC, Stat & OR DWD/relabelling
105 UNC, Stat & OR DWD/relabelling
106 UNC, Stat & OR DWD/relabelling
107 UNC, Stat & OR DWD/relabelling
108 UNC, Stat & OR DWD/relabelling
109 UNC, Stat & OR DWD/relabelling
110 UNC, Stat & OR DWD/relabelling
111 UNC, Stat & OR DWD/relabelling
112 UNC, Stat & OR DWD/relabelling
113 UNC, Stat & OR Implications “Eyeballing” the data, the PC1 directions (and PC2) do not seem to be capturing variation in the data Because of encoding all the trees to form a support tree? Perhaps because inherently PCA works well in the Euclidean regime? Path of Dyck paths a weird subset of function space? Any math theory that can be developed about families of large trees? Modeling of these trees?
114 UNC, Stat & OR Blood vessel tree data Marron’s brain: From MRA Segment tree of vessel segments Using tube tracking Bullitt and Aylward (2002)
115 UNC, Stat & OR Blood vessel tree data Marron’s brain: From MRA Reconstruct trees in 3d Rotate to view
116 UNC, Stat & OR Blood vessel tree data Marron’s brain: From MRA Reconstruct trees in 3d Rotate to view
117 UNC, Stat & OR Blood vessel tree data Marron’s brain: From MRA Reconstruct trees in 3d Rotate to view
118 UNC, Stat & OR Blood vessel tree data Marron’s brain: From MRA Reconstruct trees in 3d Rotate to view
119 UNC, Stat & OR Blood vessel tree data Marron’s brain: From MRA Reconstruct trees in 3d Rotate to view
120 UNC, Stat & OR Blood vessel tree data Marron’s brain: From MRA Reconstruct trees in 3d Rotate to view
121 UNC, Stat & OR Thoughts I: Probabilistic models of spatial trees? What are natural models of spatial trees such as those in this talk? At least two natural directions to proceed in ISE (Integrated Superbrownian Excursion): Arising from modelling of critical random systems in euclidean space Engineering and biological principles of flow distribution: (Constructal theory)
122 UNC, Stat & OR ISE: Integrated Superbrownian excursion Formulated in the late 90s by Aldous Has now come to be one of the standard models of spatial trees Arises as the scaling limit of many different systems Example: Random trees on the integer lattice Critical contact process in high dimensions etc Thought to be the scaling limit of many systems at criticality Use Standard Brownian excursion and Brownian motion to construct a random tree in 3 (or higher dimensions)
123 UNC, Stat & OR ISE: in pictures
124 UNC, Stat & OR ISE in pictures
125 UNC, Stat & OR ISE in pictures
126 UNC, Stat & OR ISE in pictures
127 UNC, Stat & OR ISE Any notion of data driven ISE?
128 UNC, Stat & OR Blood vessel tree data Notion of ISE on the sphere? Notion of ISE where the Brownian motion has some sort of drift? How does one estimate drift from data? Model of thickness on edges to the data?
129 UNC, Stat & OR Other examples of tree data?
130 UNC, Stat & OR Data on actual root systems
131 UNC, Stat & OR PCA and Random Walks on Tree space? In this study we tried usual notion of PCA Ok when data are “Gaussian in nature” Tree space intuitively very non-linear Can one use random walks to explore this space?
132 UNC, Stat & OR Intuition
133 UNC, Stat & OR Random walk on data points
134 UNC, Stat & OR Folded Euclidean Approach