Marketing Suggestions Metal Marketing Suggestions
Metal Works to transform the potential of people and places, and enable inspirational art and artists’ to provide a positive impact on civic and civil society. Founded by Jude Kelly OBE - Southbank Centre Director. Active in Liverpool, Southend-on-Sea and Peterborough. Supports emerging artists and sponsors Art Prizes. Renovates derelict spaces into vibrant community hubs. Organises public workshops, performance, talks and networks. Hosts artists-in-residence and peer-to-peer learning. Partners with Arts Council, local authorities and schools.
Brief Metal is an arts not for profit charity. All income is put into projects with artists or young people or hard to reach groups (i.e. those with mental health issues). Their marketing promotion aim: Counter misinformation by demonstrating their real ethos and facts as opposed to rumours and chinese whispers. Promote projects that are both on-going (i.e. Netpark, VG, TNG, VB, Estuary, WOWIE, Clever Essex) and things done in the past. Identify the audience that needs to be addressed. Work out and utilise the best media to reach the audience.
Things to Push / Counter Audience. Aged 20-45 who wants to support artists and community projects. Attract to training events and performance festivals. Real Ethos Not for profit charity Helps artists, the young and those with mental health issues. Misinformation: Oppose negative rumours and chinese whispers by providing facts about social causes, and who and how they have helped, and how much of every £ is spent on what type of thing - Blog Push Community Projects i.e. Netpark, VG, TNG, VB, Estuary, WOWIE, Time and space residencies, Clever Essex Things that have been done in the past.
Old Material
Current Material
Good and Bad at the Moment Metal has a good reputation for arranging quality family art and performance events to allow local people to be more aware and become involved in social issues. The public probably do not know they carry out building restoration to provide support to artists. It is not clear what the company name ‘Metal’ refers to. Metal like to blend their logo into the branding of the artist who is performing. The name and logo are not easily recognised or recognisable. I think the green on grey colour scheme may appeal to younger people but not all. Jude and her connection with South Bank should be highlighted.
One Suggestion Wristbands Decorative often worn and used as event passes identification During and after the event acts as collective identity Shows their support for the event and any social cause The cost to make these is low. People usually willing to pay extra as a donation or pay extra for a higher quality
Because of the organisations ethos and image, the colours should be vibrant, warm and engaging. Red and Purple (Active and Deep), Orange / Yellow (Growth, Instinct / Warmth)
Colours This is the Slogan This is the Slogan This is the Slogan
Metal ● People ▪ Potential ▪ Performances ▪ Slogan Based on test your metal (resolve), resolve social issues, looks a bit like Love. Metal ● People ▪ Potential ▪ Performances ▪ Metal ● ResOlve