Dermatology Abby Amidon
What is a Dermatologist? Treat conditions of… hair skin nails
Job Description Responsibilities... Activities… Working Conditions… Unique Facts…
Career Training/Education Recommended HS Courses… Education 4 years of Undergraduate School, 4 years of Medical School, 3-8 years of Internships and Residencies, State Licensing/additional exams for board certification Tulane University Skills/Training…
Salary/Wages/Benefits Salary/Wages: Annual Mean- $187,200 Benefits: Sick leave, paid vacation, health insurance, and retirement plan
Advancement Opportunities How a Person Advances: Go to meetings/clinics, board tests (every 10 years) Future Outlook Growth US Annually: 18.7% Annual US Openings: very high- 15,260 US Employment: very large- 348,900
Related Professions Medical Professions: Allergist/Immunologist, Anesthesiologist, RN, Pediatrician, Dentist, PA, Administration What Else is Possible w/ Training: Other Fields of Medicine
Personality What People Fit the Job Dependable Independent Compassionate Patient Organized Leader
Character Qualities 6 Pillars of Character Contributions… Character Qualities: Communicate well, reason and problem solve, time management skills, work well w/ others, pay attention to details, have stress tolerance, analytical thinking, self control, and social perceptiveness
Where I am in Career Decision Is this the career for me? Would I consider related fields? My Plan…
Works Cited Montana Career Information System. “Dermatologist.” Montana Department of Labor & Industry Research and Analysis. n.d. Web. 02 Feb. 2015. Occupational Outlook Handbook. “Dermatologist.” Department of Bureau and Labor Statistics. 08 Jan. 2015. Web. 03 Feb. 2015. O*Net Online. “Dermatologist.” National Center for O*Net Development. 2010. Web. 04 Feb. 2015.