BabelNet ”encyclopedic dictionary” BabelNet is a very large, widecoverage multilingual semantic network. Key to our approach is the integration of lexicographic and encyclopedic knowledge from WordNet and Wikipedia.
A very large network of semantic relations, made up of more than 9 millions of entries, called Babel synsets
BabelNet 2.0 covers 50 languages and is obtained from the automatic integration of: WordNet, a popular computational lexicon of English (version 3.0), Open Multilingual WordNet, a collection of wordnets available in different languages (August 2013 dump), Wikipedia, the largest collaborative multilingual Web encyclopedia (October 2012 dumps), OmegaWiki, a large collaborative multilingual dictionary (01/09/2013 dump).
Rezultat The BabelNet website provides: a search interface for looking up terms, translations and definitions, an explorer for browsing the BabelNet semantic network, statistics, a bibliography and a download page.