SOIS Area Report - Current Groups within Area Application Support Services WG Wireless WG Subnetwork Services WG ( current work completed) The SOIS area covers onboard communication services with the intention of standardising H/W and S/W interfaces between avionics elements & devices A considerable part of our work is outside of the CCSDS where we perform a harmonising role for avionics related development 2 2 2
SOIS Area Report – Meeting Demographics Wireless App Supt Svcs ASI CNES CNSA 1 CSA DLR ESA 2 INPE JAXA NASA 5 10 RFSA UKSA Other* TOTAL 8 14 Meeting Duration 4 4.5 Agency Diversity 3 3 3 3
SOIS Area Report - Summary Technical Status Application Support Services Working Group Goal: Develop SOIS Application support layer services and if appropriate protocols Working Group Summary progress: File & Packet Store Services Magenta Book RIDs handling in progress Device Data Pooling and Message Transfer Services ready for publishing Device Access Service ready for publishing Device Virtualisation and Device Enumeration Services undergoing final updates before CESG poll for Agency review Green Book Issue 2 under finalisation Agreement on consolidated architecture for standardising functional interfaces to onboard devices Working Group Summary Situation: Status: OK CAUTION PROBLEM Comment: Finalizing number of books 4 4 4
SOIS Area Report - Summary Technical Status Application Support Services WG (cont.) Primary Objectives for the fall meeting: Completion of SOIS Green Book Issue 2 & architecture for Device Virtualisation Finalising FPSS, MTS, DAS, DVS Magenta Books Define approach for defining Generic Device Functional Interfaces as part of the DVS and DAS services Progress Excellent support this week and agreement on a consolidated SOIS architecture compatible with, SAVOIR, GSFC CFE, and SPA Agreed to define a set of common interfaces per class of onboard (AOCS) devices that hide detailed interfaces from application software Will be defined with the support of machine readable electronic data sheets that can be directly used by flight software for configuration purposes SPA Xteds will be used as starting point but will results will be published as CCSDS recommendations with the support of SANA Basic work plan formulated with significant support committed by GSFC and AFRL Comment: The concept and usefulness of SOIS is finally being appreciated! 5 5 5
SOIS Area Report - Summary Technical Status Application Support Services WG (cont.) Future work: Consolidate work plan on functional interface and electronic data sheets Release remaining Green and Magenta books Continue fortnightly telecons 6 6 6
Wireless WG status: OK CAUTION PROBLEM comment: SOIS Area Report - Summary of Technical Wireless WG Goal: Develop wireless recommendations for space applications Working Group Summary Progress: RFID-Based Inventory Management Systems Magenta Book in publication Low data-rate wireless communications for spacecraft monitoring and control Magenta book (LDR MB) under completion The SSIART (join test-bed) activity is moving forward and an administrative agreement between ESA and NASA is currently under way (Export & IPC…). Working Group Summary Situation: status: OK CAUTION PROBLEM comment: Very Good 7
SOIS Area Report - Summary Technical Status Wireless WG Primary Objectives for the fall meeting Digest lessons learned from the Asset Management (AM) recommendation Finalize Low Data Rate (LDR) Magenta Book Refine technical architecture and the cooperation and administrative framework of the shared test bench for smart sensors (SSIART) Review and update the next-years roadmap Review the status of the joint Wireless for space symposium 2012 Progress Emerging needs for high data-rate wireless communications indentified. Will be further investigated with consolidate the use-cases Identified the need for additional guidance for the testing and coexistence activities associated with the introduction of wireless communications Technical programme of the joint symposium on wireless technologies proposed to be held in North America in September 2012
SOIS Area Report - Summary Technical Status Wireless WG (cont.) Future Work Publish Low Data Rate (LDR) Magenta Book Consolidate proposal for work plan on high rate wireless transmission Conclude on the need for additional guidance to users on the application of wireless technology and propose work plan accordingly Continue with the definition and usage of the SSIART Continue fortnightly telecons 9
SOIS Area Report - Cross Area Meetings SOIS APP and MOIMs SM&C Joint presentation provided on architectural aspects No overlap issues identified as MO is not defining flight applications, rather it provides a framework in which they can be implemented Flight applications will interface with SOIS and this is where further liaison may be necessary in the future 10 10
SOIS Area Report - Forthcoming Resolutions to CESG Approve Message Transfer, DDP, DAS magenta books for publication Approve publication of SOIS Green book v2 Approve Agency review for DVS and DES Magenta books Approve updated charters and work plans for both working groups Approve Publication of Wireless low rate sensor network magenta book 11 11
SOIS Area Report: Major Accomplishments and concerns ASWG Device Virtualisation, EDS and PnP Architectures updated and consolidated to cover NASA, AIAA and ESA avionics FPSS, MTS, DAS ready for publication Green Book Issue 2 and DES approaching ready for publication DVS approaching ready for agency review File and Packet Store CESG poll to publish delayed at late stage due to CESG comments Wireless WG RFID Magenta submitted under publication Low rate wireless sensor network approaching completion, export and ITAR clearance requested for test-bed cooperation General Concern: Future ESA effort under review and needs to be confirmed 12 12 12