Release Process June 11, 2017
Overview 6 month cadence for major releases 2 minor releases follow at approximately 6 and 12 weeks after the major release The minor releases allow for bug fixes and additional content that was not ready as of the initial release Release artifacts consist of ISOs and RPMs for each supported installer Except Joid which is installed via git clone Documentation is published via read-the-docs Weekly release meetings / Bi-weekly APAC release meetings.
Projects and Scenarios OPNFV feature projects are deployed and tested via a “scenario” An OPNFV “scenario” is defined as: An installer. Currently: Apex Compass Daisy Fuel Joid A set of components. Typically: VIM (Usually OpenStack) An SDN controller One or more features A configuration
Milestone Overview Milestones 0 & 1 - Intent-to-Participate Window OPNFV projects, previously approved by the TSC, must express their intent-to-participate between MS0 and MS1. In addition, projects must also complete and publish their release plans by MS1. Milestone 2 - Test Case Documentation Projects are required to have their test cases documented in the test case database
Milestone Overview Milestone 3 - Installer / OpenStack Integration Designed to establish foundation for feature project development. Most critical milestone. Direct impact on feature development and stabilization OPNFV Installers Upstream Components (OpenStack, ODL, etc.) OPNFV Features OPNFV Test Frameworks
Milestone Overview Milestone 3 - Installer / OpenStack Integration (continued) Phase 0 - Installer / Openstack integration Functest / Openstack integration sufficient to support health check Phase 1 (+ 3 weeks) Installers pass health check (nosdn) Phase 2 (+ 3 weeks) Installer + SDN controller passes health check
Milestone Overview Milestone 4 - Infrastructure Updates Completed Functest supports health check + smoke test AKA - test framework complete At this point we hope to be able to support feature development and automated test in a stable environment Milestone 5 - Scenario integration All feature projects have completed integration with scenarios i.e., feature is deployed with a set of components, using a specific installer, with a designated configuration
Milestone Overview Milestone 6 - test case implementation; preliminary documentation; stable branch window opens Test cases documented in MS2 must be implemented at this point Preliminary documentation requirement recently added to reduce flailing at the end of the release period Directory structure Placeholder documents Stable branch window opens Milestone 7 - stable branch window closes
Milestone Overview Milestone 8 - Formal test execution completed Milestone 9 - JIRA bookkeeping updated Milestone 10 - Documentation completed Milestone 11 - Release
Milestone Exception Process New for the current ”Euphrates Release” If a project misses a milestone, then the PTL may be asked to submit an exception request to the TSC The PTL has the option of submitting a request or dropping out of the release The exception request describes the circumstances that caused the MS to be missed, as well as a plan to recover The TSC votes to approve or disapprove the request. If the request is disapproved, then the project is removed from the release.