WELCOME TO GEOME3 Roster Number: Name: Period: Email: Parent Name: Parent Phone Number: Parent Email:
Geometry by Pearson (FL Common Core Edition) INFO: Mr. Torres Room 216 Geometry by Pearson (FL Common Core Edition) ISBN:0-13-328316-X torresj@materacademy.com
INFO: Recommended: Practice and Review ISBN:0-13-318598-2
INFO: Recommended: Practice and Problem Solving ISBN:0-13-318596-6
Teacher Website: imater.org Staff Directory Mathematics Mr. Torres
Student Goals: 1. Build critical thinking skills. COURSE INFO: Student Goals: 1. Build critical thinking skills. 2. Provide step-by-step solutions to problems/exercises. 3. Become Problem solvers. 4. Succeed (PASS) in the EOC.
1. Respect 2. Be Prepared to Learn 3. Be Open Minded Classs Rules: 1. Respect 2. Be Prepared to Learn 3. Be Open Minded 4. Work Diligently 5. No Electronics
1. Verbal/Visual warning Discipline 1. Verbal/Visual warning 2. Conference - Student/Teacher 3. Parent/Guardian Contact. 4. Referral and Detention 5. Suspension
These will be checked periodically and unannounced! Must Have: MATERIALS: 1. Scissors 2. Ruler 3. Protractor 4. Compass 5. Color pencils 6. Eraser 7. Lined paper 8. Mechanical pencil 9. Graphing paper 10. Scientific calculator * * TI 83/84 Recommended, you will need it for Algebra II and Pre-calc or Stats These will be checked periodically and unannounced! No tools = 0 for class work grade
2. Homework Questions Time DAILY CLASS PROCEDURES 1. 5-7 minutes for the bell-ringer. (If you are late, you will not be given additional time) 2. Homework Questions Time 3. Lecture/Video. (Notes must be taken) 4. Clarification Questions 5. Class assignment
6. When Class Assignments are given: No work = NO credit! DAILY CLASS PROCEDURES 6. When Class Assignments are given: No work = NO credit! 7. Materials/Computers/Textbooks must be neatly put in their proper place. 8. The bell DOES NOT dismiss you, only the teacher does.
Notes must be kept in a binder neatly. * You are expected to take notes everyday (HINT: Mr. Torres’ lectures are crucial..) Notes must be kept in a binder neatly. 1. Notes 2. Homework 3. Quizzes/Warm-ups 4. Test 5. Projects
2. Test make-up is your responsibility. COURSE POLICIES: 1. NO late work accepted. 2. Test make-up is your responsibility. 3. Tutoring available. 4. Work completed in a LEGIBLE fashion. 5. No credit will be given if you fail to show step-by-step solutions/procedures.
INDIVIDUAL TESTS: Individual: These tests have a greater weight on the final academic grade. Step-by-step explanations will be required to earn points. Hint: Study/Review what you do not understand! And ask your questions the next class.
25% Individual Test 15% Quizzes/Warm-ups 35% Classwork PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION 25% Individual Test 15% Quizzes/Warm-ups 35% Classwork 25% Homework/Notes = 100% TOTAL
ALWAYS KEEP: Conversations related to the topic at hand! Be AWARE: DO NOT: Leave the classroom while Mr. Torres is lecturing. - Tests/Quizzes/Bell-ringers/Class work: are based on these concepts. ALWAYS KEEP: Conversations related to the topic at hand! Remember: Teachers do not give grades, students earn them.
Be Ready to work ALWAYS have the appropriate materials. ATTITUDE Be Positive and attentive Leave your personal problems out of the classroom! Be Ready to work ALWAYS have the appropriate materials. Behave as though you are a GUEST in Mr. Torres’ home.
Assigned to help you master the concepts and skills learned/covered. HOMEWORK POLICY: Assigned to help you master the concepts and skills learned/covered. YES, even on weekends!! Pay attention in class. No late homework- NO EXCUSES! 4 points per problem Step-by-step solutions required.
TUTORING: Day Teacher Room Time Monday 2:45-3:35 pm. Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
2. Fill and return the last page next class. Syllabus: 1. Go over the syllabus with your parents. (Hard copy will be/is on your class page) 2. Fill and return the last page next class.
Emergency Exit 1. Leave everything in the classroom Safety: 1. Leave everything in the classroom 2. Make a line according to your class number. 3. Follow each other in line and use the appropriate exit route. 4. Exit the building and stay with the class AT ALL TIMES. 5. Attendance will be taken outside.
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